Published on 07/09/2021 Downloaded 18 time(s) |
| This Video will premiere at 10:00 am on 07/10/2021 cnpj State Registration ... |
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Published on 07/07/2021 Downloaded 59 time(s) |
Note: This is the WD17 + compatible version, from the WD25 project posted here https://depot.PC;demoscene The code of this version is slightly different f... |
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Published on 07/07/2021 Downloaded 19 time(s) |
| Video run in wmv WINDEV format - 3365 This Video will premiere at 10:00 am on 07/0... |
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Published on 07/06/2021 Downloaded 22 time(s) |
| This Video will premiere at 14:00 on 06/07/2021 Cnpj WINDEV Search Recipe 3... |
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Published on 07/05/2021 Downloaded 60 time(s) |
Definition: Artistic creation mixing computer graphics, music and programming. StarGate is the transposition of a GDImage project written in C++ by Patrice Terrier. To limit the size of the WINDEV fr... |
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Published on 07/02/2021 Downloaded 45 time(s) |
Based on the same concept as the OpenGL "GLImage" project, this version features the use of textures animated in real time. The images used to create the textures are animated PNGs in GDImage format. ... |
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Published on 06/30/2021 Downloaded 80 time(s) |
As soon as you start OpenGL programming, it is essential to be able to use quality textures. Mipmapping, variable opacity, anti-aliasing are all techniques used to produce professional quality 3D rend... |
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Updated on 06/28/2021 Downloaded 99 time(s) |
Wx SecWin - Groupware Customizado e traduzido na versao 26 Vídeo explicativo RECURSOS ADICIONAIS Clocar registros de um usuario para outro Configurar recursos diretam... |
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Published on 06/26/2021 Downloaded 58 time(s) |
Mixing OpenGL and multi-state animations altogether, within the same graphic container. The original was first written in WD14 with GDImage 5.02 32-bit in 2009. This is the GDImage 64-bit version com... |
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Published on 06/25/2021 Downloaded 28 time(s) |
| This Video will premiere at 10:00 am on 06/29/2021 WINDEV Video Youtube Amari... |
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