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Published on 02/25/2023
Downloaded 33 time(s)
Material importante para quem esta começanfo no mundo da automacao comercial esse é o exemplo da criação do xml para nfe
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Published on 02/22/2023
Downloaded 58 time(s)
Exemplo, utilizando sweetalert no WEBDEV Dev: Nathan
DROPBOX Exemplos WINDEV, WEBDEV e WINDEV Mobile para backup de pastas locais para a nuvem DROPBOX Exemples WINDEV, WEBDEV et WINDEV Mobile pour la sauvegarde de pâtes locales pour un nuvem DROPBOX E...
 / Various
Published on 02/20/2023
Downloaded 509 time(s)
Exemplo de Conexão com o ChatGPT no WINDEV 25 Desenvolvedor: Marcilon Mendonça Whatsapp: +55 41 99243-9091
 / Communication
Published on 02/15/2023
Downloaded 211 time(s)
ChatGPT *NÃO ESQUEÇA DE ADICIONAR SEU TOKEN* Dev: Marcilon Mendonça +55 (41) 99243-9091
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Published on 02/15/2023
Downloaded 115 time(s)
This example shows how to transfer JSON between two Android devices using bluetooth. It uses sockets for that.
Exemplo WINDEV consumindo Api do ChatGpt com Wlanguage, pode ser usado no WEBDEV e no mobile o mesmo código CODIGO EXEMPLO ************************ // Summary: <specify the procedure action> // Synt...
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Published on 02/13/2023
Downloaded 522 time(s)
This example proposes a UI kit containing a set of fields and graphic resources to be used in your interfaces and proposes an internal component that allows you to display Lottie animations in your An...
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Published on 02/13/2023
Downloaded 168 time(s)
JWT or JSON Web Token is an industry standard defined by RFC7519 that aims to compactly and securely transmit or store JSON objects between different applications. The JWT is digitally signed using a ...
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Published on 02/11/2023
Downloaded 135 time(s)
Assinar PDF com certificado digital armazenado em um banco de dados PROCEDURE AssinarPDF() MyExtractedCertificate is Certificate HReset(CERTIFICADO) IF HReadSeek(CERTIFICADO,AGRONOMO_ID,EDT_AGRONO...