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Published on 05/18/2022
Downloaded 96 time(s)
WM Geo-Localization Exemplo do Google Maps // Summary: Displays the address corresponding to the GPS position passed in parameter // Syntax: //DisplayAddress (<GPSPosition> is geoPosition) // // Para...
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Published on 05/18/2022
Downloaded 30 time(s)
Wm Android Explorer Folder
WM Android Gps - Exemplo mais simples de pegar Laitude e Longitude do Celular https://help.WINDEV.com/en-US/search2.awp?q=android%20gps&mode=user&origin=searchbox INIT WINDOW gnCurrentStatus is in...
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Published on 05/18/2022
Downloaded 58 time(s)
WM Android Notification - Push Notification CODE INIT GLOBAL // Global variables gsNamePersistentThread is string = "PersistentNotifications" gsPeriodicityPreference is string = "periodicity...
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Published on 05/18/2022
Downloaded 26 time(s)
WM Android Comando de Voz Usa arquivo Java tipo .Jar como biblioteca de execução // Initializes the speech synthesis import com.PC SOFT.synthesis.*; import android.util.Log; public static void Init...
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Published on 05/18/2022
Downloaded 54 time(s)
WM Android System Utilits Connectivity WIN_Bluetooth WIN_Connectivity WIN_Internet WIN_NFC WIN_Wifi Hardware WIN_Accelerometer WIN_Aircraft WIN_Compass WIN_LEDAndVibration WIN_Lightness ...
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Published on 05/18/2022
Downloaded 12 time(s)
WM Android ZIP Para trabalhar com arquivos compactados no celular
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Published on 05/18/2022
Downloaded 46 time(s)
Wm Bluetooth
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Published on 05/18/2022
Downloaded 15 time(s)
WM Click on Chart
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Published on 05/18/2022
Downloaded 69 time(s)
WM CRM - Excelente Exemplo para Estudos