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Published on 10/11/2019
Downloaded 295 time(s)
This is the 64-bit version of a 10 years old project written in 32-bit. It is build upon GDImage version 7.00. It illustrates the possibility of creating visual components that can be interfaced with...
 / Tools
Published on 09/27/2019
Downloaded 91 time(s)
Picture to Android and iOS CPF, CNPJ, CEL, FONE... Example Running in Android and iOS
 / Tools
Updated on 09/25/2019
Downloaded 191 time(s)
Microservice or Windows Service Example Nos sistemas operacionais Windows NT, um serviço do Windows é um programa de computador que opera em plano de fundo.É similar, em conceito, a um daemon do Unix...
 / Entertainment
Published on 09/22/2019
Downloaded 273 time(s)
"WD Collection" is a demo based on the use of the 64-bit GDImage graphic library. It is also a small anthology of the best photos of commercial brochures. This project has no WINDEV window because i...
 / Graphics
Published on 09/21/2019
Downloaded 157 time(s)
This 64-bit WD17 project transforms any 2D image into a 3D particle cloud. The particle cloud is composed of 131072 points that can be animated in real time. You can choose one of the images whose na...
 / Entertainment
Published on 09/18/2019
Downloaded 350 time(s)
The "head-up vision" consists in superimposing information necessary for the piloting, the navigation or the realization of a mission, in permanent connection with the external environment. The pilot ...
 / Tools
Updated on 09/09/2019
Downloaded 776 time(s)
Se já estiver instalado o Oledb 32 e quer usar o WINDEV 64 É importante entrar no Painel de Controle e remover o OleDb 32 e instalar o OleDb 64 Fechar o WINDEV e abrir ele novamente. Abrir novamente o...
 / Tools
Published on 09/05/2019
Downloaded 225 time(s)
Atenção a todos: Se já estiver instalado o Oledb 32 e quer usar o WINDEV 64 É importante entrar no Painel de Controle e remover o OleDb 32 e instalar o OleDb 64 Fechar o WINDEV e abrir ele novamente. ...
Published on 09/05/2019
Downloaded 225 time(s)
Proj word tt
Exemplo de jogo de Xadrez feito com WINDEV pelo cliente Icaro da Cidade de Leme - Sp - Brasil Example of a Chess game made with WINDEV by the client Icaro of the City of Leme - Sp - Brazil Ejemplo d...