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Published on 06/06/2022
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WD Handling text files // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------- RUN CODE --------------------------- // ----------------------------------------...
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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 20 time(s)
WD Help for the user
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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 28 time(s)
WD Image rotatio - Rotacionar a imagem // Prevents from refreshing the image IMG_IMAGE..DisplayEnabled = False // Restores the image IMG_IMAGE = IMG_IMAGE // Rotates the image dRotation(IMG_IMAGE,...
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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 43 time(s)
WD Internet browser
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Published on 06/06/2022
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WD Management of dates // Update the different information UPDYearManagement() UPDMonthManagement() UPDWeekManagement() UPDSimpleManagement() //------------------------------------------------ // S...
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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 10 time(s)
WM Indirections
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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 13 time(s)
WM ListView Control
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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 12 time(s)
WM Matrix Functions
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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 14 time(s)
WM Record Functions
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Published on 06/06/2022
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WM Registry Functions