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Published on 05/10/2018
Downloaded 181 time(s)
Exemplo Grafico de Pizza
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Published on 04/22/2018
Downloaded 465 time(s)
WINDEV + SQL Aula 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqy2wgwatUE Aula 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjxU0wVigEY Aula 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0L-6Z6Ju5cU Aula sobre SQL x WINDEV e ...
TEF - Transfência Eletrônica Financeira - Transferência de fundos através de cartão de Crédito/Debito TEF - Electronic Financial Transference - Transfer of funds through Credit / Debit Card
Leitura de Porta Serial para Balanças Filizolla ou Toledo - Serial Port Reading for Filizolla or Toledo Scales - version 2 http://forum.PC SOFT.fr/fr-FR/PC SOFT.br.WINDEV/831-codigo-exemplo-leitura-...
Controle de Pacientes - WEBDEV (webservice) + WINDEV Mobile (app) - Patient Control - WEBDEV (webservice) + WINDEV Mobile (app)
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Published on 04/09/2018
Downloaded 191 time(s)
Pivot with WEBDEV
 / Graphics
Updated on 04/08/2018
Downloaded 1,368 time(s)
RenFiles is a very simple utility to rename a set of files. There are several reputable tools in this field and have many opportunities. However in most cases the requirements are very simple: - Se...
 / Various
Published on 03/31/2018
Downloaded 302 time(s)
Exemplo de uso do controle Tree Control - TreeView https://forum.PC SOFT.fr/fr-FR/PC SOFT.br.WINDEV/2906-informatica-aula-14-WEBDEV-site-com-uma-page/read.awp?lastpost https://youtu.be/-ikVuOwkTdM ...
 / Tools
Published on 03/29/2018
Downloaded 630 time(s)
362/5000 Comparison of two databases with identical structures. With file extraction of different records. Search for inconsistent and / or duplicate primary keys. Main uses: Comparison of an operatin...
 / Tools
Published on 03/15/2018
Downloaded 515 time(s)
WsGmail - WSSendmail to WINDEV, WEBDEV, WINDEV Mobile LINK DE ACESSO http://wxmagazine.pcscloud.net/WSGMAIL_WEB/awws/index.htm WSDL http://wxmagazine.pcscloud.net/WSGMAIL_WEB/awws/WsGmail.awws?wsdl...