Published on 05/25/2022 Downloaded 3 time(s) |
WD Age Chart Pyramid - Gráfico comparativo no formato de Pirâmide Windows WIN_AgePyramid Controls Procedures DrawPyramidExampleOneSeries DrawPyramidExampleTwoSeries GenerateDataPyramid1 Prope... |
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Published on 05/25/2022 Downloaded 13 time(s) |
WD Animated Menu - tecnica para animar objetos em seus sistemas Windows WIN_AnimationCode Controls Procedures Properties Variables WIN_Preset_MenuAnimation Controls Procedures AnimationPlay_... |
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Published on 05/25/2022 Downloaded 7 time(s) |
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Published on 05/25/2022 Downloaded 42 time(s) |
WD Bluetooth // Summary: Procedure that retrieves the list of BT devices, stores their ID and Mac address, and fills the combo box with the name of the devices // Syntax: //ListBTDevice () // // Par... |
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Published on 05/25/2022 Downloaded 16 time(s) |
WD ChainedList - Classe OOP Exemplo Windows WIN_main Controls Procedures ChangeButtonCap ChangeNation ClickMenu Properties Variables WinDevDialogBox WinDevMessageBox Reports Queries Cla... |
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Published on 05/25/2022 Downloaded 27 time(s) |
RAD e Crud TableForm in Plane 1 and 2 - Video Aula User Bento VIDEO AULA OPEN WINDOW ////////////////////////// PROCEDURE MyWindow() GNID is int gsACAO is string MyWindow..Plane = 1 //BOTAO ... |
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Published on 05/24/2022 Downloaded 253 time(s) |
Exemplo de conexão com o Whatspp utilizando a API da ( caso queira integrar, entre em contato através do whatsapp: +55 41 99243-9091 |
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Published on 05/24/2022 Downloaded 30 time(s) |
WIN_Animations_PPC WIN_AptDB_PPC WIN_CalendarPopup WIN_CalendarPopup_PPC WIN_CameraControl WIN_ChartControl WIN_ChartFunctions WIN_ChartFunctions_PPC WIN_ChronoFunctions WIN_ChronoFunctions... |
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Published on 05/24/2022 Downloaded 121 time(s) |
CRM versão 22 Windows Login_Win Win_About WIN_AddContributor WIN_Assign_Contributor WIN_ConsultProduct Win_CRM WIN_IP WIN_ManageContributor WIN_ParamEmail Win_Parameters WIN_Popup WIN_Pop... |
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Published on 05/23/2022 Downloaded 19 time(s) |
| TIP 3725 - Self_print - WEBDEV 27 - Print Page - Dictionary |
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