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 / Graphics
Published on 04/30/2020
Downloaded 69 time(s)
This is a WD17 project, which can run either in 32-bit mode or in 64-bit mode. (This is the update of a WD9 project written in 2006.) It shows the use of 3 different techniques to replace all the pix...
 / Tools
Published on 04/29/2020
Downloaded 231 time(s)
Exemplo Scanner Twain
 / Tools
Published on 04/29/2020
Downloaded 206 time(s)
Orçamento WD Word TT with Email
 / Tools
Published on 04/29/2020
Downloaded 220 time(s)
Mini Impressora Zebra ZQ110 Exemplo
 / Graphics
Published on 04/28/2020
Downloaded 105 time(s)
Is derived from a project originally written in WD12 to improve the quality of photographic prints on self-service lab kiosks. It illustrates the capabilities of GDImage to improve image rendering by...
 / Entertainment
Published on 04/24/2020
Downloaded 55 time(s)
This model is intended to be used with the OR17 project that i able to manipulate in real time complex 3D objects with a cinema-like quality. The full "3D wavefront OBJ reader" project is here: https:...
 / Tools
Published on 04/18/2020
Downloaded 84 time(s)
Aula sobre Tabelas, relacionamentos, auditoria, log do sistema
 / Tools
Updated on 04/16/2020
Downloaded 184 time(s)
RAD Patern Tablegrid & Form with Planes by Boller v. 7.0 to Version 25 It is a rad patern for those who like to make screens with plane, already with Tablegrid and form on the same screen thus reduci...
 / Tools
Updated on 04/16/2020
Downloaded 182 time(s)
RAD Patern Tablegrid & Form with Planes by Boller v. 7.0 to Version 24 It is a rad patern for those who like to make screens with plane, already with Tablegrid and form on the same screen thus reduci...
Rad Pattern Table With Form and Planes, with Indirection and Templates V 8.0 Classe Dados OOP Procedures Globais Template Window Tenplate controls RAD