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Published on 01/14/2021
Downloaded 174 time(s)
Contabil Exemplo Débito, Credito, ...
Published on 12/30/2020
Downloaded 42 time(s)
acbr_dll_componente_amarildo_matos ------------ Ini Acbr Configuration Nfe Service Status Upload Xml Print ad Danfe Consultation register Cast Nfe Other commands ----------- Configuracao Ini Acbr Stat...
 / Education
Published on 12/27/2020
Downloaded 113 time(s)
Various Mobile Examples Create Directory Create Text File Generate Zip -------------------------------- Varios Exemplos Mobile Criar Diretorio Criar Arquivo Texto Gerar Zip
Published on 12/24/2020
Downloaded 62 time(s)
Html Editor Amarildo WINDEV Video:https://youtu.be/gb43KA1iO58 Exports the contents of an HTML Editor control to a PDF file. Let's create a window called Html editor Let's create the html editor let's...
Updated on 12/02/2020
Downloaded 49 time(s)
What's New Version 26 - WINDEV Html control - url Block site Novidades Versao 26 - WINDEV Controle html - url Bloquear site
 / Tools
Published on 11/26/2020
Downloaded 288 time(s)
New Kanban example
Wx Datawave - Driver Nativo Wx para Firebird, Oracle, MsSql, Teradata, Postgresql, Myql, Mariadb Site versao atual http://wxsolucoes.com.br/wxdatawave.html O que é o WX DATAWAVE? É um middleware...
 / Tools
Published on 11/26/2020
Downloaded 213 time(s)
Componentes Paypal para as suas aplicações
Exemplo aplicativo de cadastro de jogadores de Futebol - Menu Dinâmico, Internal Window, Controle Layout Responsivo, Biometria Example player registration application - Dynamic Menu, Internal Window,...
Exemplo WINDEV Mobile para Inventario de Estoque, Código de Barras, QRCode, PDF, Foto do Produto Example WINDEV Mobile for Inventory Inventory, Barcode, QRCode, PDF, Product Photo Ejemplo de WINDEV ...