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 / Productivity
Published on 09/02/2020
Downloaded 64 time(s)
TIPS 3063 -WINDEV TUTORIAL 86 -Lesson 7.6-09-09-2020 11hrs-The Threads https://doc.WINDEV.com/en-US/?1410087553&name=lesson_76_the_threads Tutoriel WINDEV: Leçon 7.6. Advanced Programmation - Les th...
 / Productivity
Published on 09/01/2020
Downloaded 64 time(s)
https://doc.WINDEV.com/en-US/?1410087551&name=lesson_74_dynamic_compilation https://youtu.be/3qAfq5Xbc7o Aula feita em cima desse link do help e tambem do video acima ASSUNTOS COMPILACAO DINAMICA VISA...
 / Productivity
Published on 08/31/2020
Downloaded 208 time(s)
Traduzidos em Portugues - Frances - Ingles - Espanhol Traduzidos em Portugues - Frances - Ingles - Espanhol WINDEV 25 https://doc.WINDEV.com/en-US/?1410087550&name=lesson_73_handling_external_files Le...
 / Education
Published on 08/28/2020
Downloaded 335 time(s)
WD Full Application (Exercises) - Estudos Amarildo Matos Programador dos Pampas Estou Fazendo os videos em cima dos help e dos videos da PC SOFT e como estou refazendo o execicio esta aqui para quem ...
 / Tools
Published on 08/24/2020
Downloaded 104 time(s)
This WINDEV component will provide you with tools to get all the information about each battery installed on a computer. The compressed file contains the component, the list of available methods and p...
 / Finance
Published on 08/23/2020
Downloaded 125 time(s)
A generic SQL script to recreate the Open Source alpha360 Data Models in any SQL environment. You can find the documentation at: https://www.alpha360.biz/
 / Tools
Updated on 08/05/2020
Downloaded 265 time(s)
TrayIcon / SysIcon / Exemplo de Projeto rodando no Relógio do Windows https://help.WINDEV.com/en-US/?1000018874&name=SysIconAddImage https://help.WINDEV.com/en-US/?1000018875&name=sysicondeleteimage...
PostgreHBA - Editor do pg_hba.conf do Banco de dados PostgreSQL (Versão 05/08/20200) Contem os arquivos fontes PROJETO EM DESENVOLVIMENTO Colaborações enviar para adrianoboller@gmail.com para melho...
 / Tools
Published on 08/05/2020
Downloaded 706 time(s)
SMS API Aplicativo de envio de SMS via API Web
 / Tools
Published on 08/05/2020
Downloaded 66 time(s)
StarQ component.- Structure / Queue / Componente mapped Database Helper for easily integrating LightningDB into WINDEV projects. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightning_Memory-Mapped_Database Compo...