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Published on 03/29/2022
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tip 3678 - WINDEV class - 26 - father and son class - tips
Published on 03/26/2022
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https://youtu.be/VkdFefAGUw0 https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/03/dica-3674-tabela-coluna-atributo.html TIP 3674 - Attribute Column Table - WINDEV 27
Published on 03/26/2022
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https://youtu.be/VkdFefAGUw0 https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/03/dica-3674-tabela-coluna-atributo.html TIP 3674 - Attribute Column Table - WEBDEV 27
Published on 03/26/2022
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https://youtu.be/VkdFefAGUw0 https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/03/dica-3674-tabela-coluna-atributo.html TIP 3674 - Attribute Column Table - WINDEV Mobile 27
 / Tools
Published on 03/23/2022
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Tool CreateDB and User in Hfsql Client / Server É necessário alterar a senha da constante para a senha do Hfsql control center do usuario ADMIN vídeo explicativo: https://youtu.be/j3E8JnXk1b4
Updated on 03/22/2022
Downloaded 67 time(s)
At the request of Fred2355, here is a project that allows you to adjust the overall audio volume of a PC. The project is WD17+ compatible, IT MUST BE COMPILED IN 64-BIT MODE It uses GVolume.dll, who...
hint 3672 - WINDEV class - parent-child example -client - WINDEV contacts 26
 / Tools
Published on 03/22/2022
Downloaded 82 time(s)
Exemplo para iniciar webcam em uma aplicação WEBDEV e capturar imagem para dentro de um componente nativo Canal Youtube:https://youtube.com/c/EasyCodar Whatsapp: +55 41 99243-9091
https://youtu.be/0kUo1l8yqe8 https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/03/dica-3668-uninfe-dll-consultar-status.html TIP 3668 - Uninfe Dll - Consult NFe Service Status - WINDEV 27
https://youtu.be/1VzN2VYop1s https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/03/dica-3667-uninfe-dll-baixar-dll.html TIP 3667 - Uninfe Dll - Download Dll - Select Certificate - WINDEV 27