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 / Tools
Published on 02/15/2023
Downloaded 143 time(s)
This example shows how to transfer JSON between two Android devices using bluetooth. It uses sockets for that.
Exemplo WINDEV consumindo Api do ChatGpt com Wlanguage, pode ser usado no WEBDEV e no mobile o mesmo código CODIGO EXEMPLO ************************ // Summary: <specify the procedure action> // Synt...
 / Tools
Published on 02/13/2023
Downloaded 577 time(s)
This example proposes a UI kit containing a set of fields and graphic resources to be used in your interfaces and proposes an internal component that allows you to display Lottie animations in your An...
 / Tools
Published on 02/13/2023
Downloaded 202 time(s)
JWT or JSON Web Token is an industry standard defined by RFC7519 that aims to compactly and securely transmit or store JSON objects between different applications. The JWT is digitally signed using a ...
 / Tools
Published on 02/11/2023
Downloaded 142 time(s)
Assinar PDF com certificado digital armazenado em um banco de dados PROCEDURE AssinarPDF() MyExtractedCertificate is Certificate HReset(CERTIFICADO) IF HReadSeek(CERTIFICADO,AGRONOMO_ID,EDT_AGRONO...
Controle Calendario e Horario alternativo para os projetos, Calendar, Calendario, Data, Hora, Date Picker and Time Picker, Datetime MODE USE IMPORT FILES TO PROJECT BUTTON Edt_Data = Open(Wi...
Classe OOP para trabalhar com soap xml Api Rest Send Json, Httpsend, Send, HttpForm, ainda em desenvolvimento 90% pronto
WEBDEV exemplo de Web componente - Misturando Html Bootstrap com WEBDEV Desenvolvido pelo Paulo Viana da i9 Sistemas VIDEO https://youtube.com/live/6EZm23LmYz8 00:00:00 aguardando 00:17:00 Tef 00:4...
Beep, MessageBeep, Api do Windows, Som Teclado com Speaker da Placa Mãe sem uso de placa de som para equipamentos de campo, som de alerta e aviso sonoro Beep, MessageBeep, Windows API, Keyboard Sound...
Trabalhando com o Registro do Windows - Editando o Registro do Windows - Edit Regedit - Mudando o proxy do windows, ativando ou desativando o proxy pela edição no registro do Windows. Mudando para ena...