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Updated on 03/28/2011
Downloaded 72,212 time(s)
This is the master project of the WinDev AR.Drone internal component. Source code and example are included in this archive. Archive contains all needed elements to create your own games or leisure ap...
 / Tools
Updated on 11/11/2024
Downloaded 25,665 time(s)
Outils_SQL is a software to connect and manage data across multiple databases (profiles) : Access, DB2/400, Excel, Firebird, HFSQL (with or without analysis), Informix, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle, Postgre...
Linked resources: - WX Project (WD/WB/WM - V19) to download (.zip) - Presentation and explications to download (.pdf) - Live presentation and explication (streaming video showcasing the framework at ...
 / Productivity
Updated on 03/04/2011
Downloaded 3,680 time(s)
That's my program that manages and translation of texts extracts of programs. It is fully compatible, tested with windev, webdev, not windev mobile, if someone can test:). Not yet manage dictionaries...
 / Tools
Published on 02/14/2014
Downloaded 3,193 time(s)
The example complete of WINDEV 16 Sales Management in Spanish / Español mini ERP include order, stock , customer , ...
 / Finance
Published on 09/19/2017
Downloaded 2,970 time(s)
v1.1 of the Open Source ERP developed in WD21 Includes * the FULL alpha360 Open Source Data Models - now has also Hotel Data Models. * Business Processes and the User Interface for: Parties (Custom...
 / Communication
Updated on 06/07/2022
Downloaded 2,474 time(s)
Chat with WINDEV Projeto exemplo de Chat desenvolvido no WINDEV. Desenvolvedor: Fabrício Almeida +5583986556461 Telegram @fabricioalmeida
 / Tools
Published on 10/17/2014
Downloaded 2,132 time(s)
I took the deposit which had been written by Cyril M and updated by adding function as writing on the cards. developed version 18 I purposely let the raw code with test phases in comments. Do not hesi...
 / Tools
Updated on 08/09/2016
Downloaded 1,830 time(s)
This component gives you the ability to choose with which database your applications work. Automatically manages error handling of files and encrypt selected files. A login window is also available to...
 / Tools
Updated on 09/05/2014
Downloaded 1,810 time(s)
This component allows to easily integrate and use the SmartCards ACOS3/3X/NFC with fingerprint management in your software (minimum WD14). • Choice of the reader (contact and/or NFC) • Connection / D...