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 / Lifestyle
Updated on 02/16/2018
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WM Sport Versão 21 MAIS INFORMAÇÕES Adriano José Boller Consultor, Representante e Distribuidor Oficial PC SOFT Email: adrianoboller@gmail.com Telefone: +55 (41) 99949-1800 Skype: adrianoboller Horá...
 / Tools
Published on 01/17/2021
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Este exemplo ilustra o uso das funções de arquivamento da W-Language com compactação. Neste exemplo, cobrimos os seguintes três tópicos principais: 1 / Como criar um arquivo? 2 / Como comprimir e desc...
 / Graphics
Published on 04/30/2020
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This is a WD17 project, which can run either in 32-bit mode or in 64-bit mode. (This is the update of a WD9 project written in 2006.) It shows the use of 3 different techniques to replace all the pix...
HERE MAPS - Projeto que permite adicionar via Apikey do Here Maps em sistemas Wx (Concorrente do Google Maps) https://wego.here.com/ https://www.here.com/ https://mobile.here.com/
 / Tools
Published on 03/23/2021
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Exemplo Site WEBDEV Responsivo 3 - Treinamento RWD e Adaptativo Treinamento https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlG37mpmgec
 / Tools
Published on 07/09/2022
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WEBDEV Exemplo WW_TamesShop Pages PAGE_Contact PAGE_FAQ PAGE_Home PAGE_ListProducts PAGE_Product
WD Managing the main menu of a window by programmin - WD Gerenciando o menu principal de uma janela por programação IF bModif = True THEN // "MenuSelectMinus is used to gray an option." MenuSelectM...
 / Tools
Published on 08/03/2022
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WINDEV Mobile - Exemplo de uso da tecnica Filelookup ou Lookupfield WINDEV Mobile - Example of using the Filelookup or Lookupfield technique WINDEV Mobile - Exemple d'utilisation de la technique Fil...
Published on 06/30/2021
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As soon as you start OpenGL programming, it is essential to be able to use quality textures. Mipmapping, variable opacity, anti-aliasing are all techniques used to produce professional quality 3D rend...
Published on 06/14/2022
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WD The USB functions