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Radinus: Personal finance management software source code |
Published by Fabrice GARCIA |
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Radinus 1.2.0 - Added the possibility of adding comments to operations. - Ability to modify categories, assignments, payment methods directly in the operations list table. - Added a window for mass modification of operation characteristics. - Colorization of totals in statistics based on their positive or negative value.
Radinus 1.1.1 - Version renumbering, Radinus is now stable. It is published on the web for common users.
Radinus version 0.20 - Code optimizations to improve speed: tests done with test sets of 35,000 bank transactions - Improved dashboard display and RIB editing window - Ergonomics optimization window balance evolution curve
Radinus version 0.19 - Fixed a bug preventing the integration of transactions from a bank file. - Possibility of integrating several lines simultaneously from a bank file.
Radinus version 0.18 - Fixed a critical bug corrupting data at the sub-operation level when restoring backups. - Improved the database repair procedure. - Fixed a bug when entering dates in the operations list and dashboard windows - Fixed a minor bug in the management of sub-operation complements
Radinus version 0.17 - Fixed a significant bug creating orphaned sub-operations in the event of deletion of a main operation - Fixed combo sheet bug under operation. - Fixed bug in data backup procedure in case the backup file already existed.
Radinus version 0.16 - Graphical and ergonomic optimizations - Optimizations of some data deletion messages. - Added keyboard shortcuts
Radinus version 0.15 - Added the Radinus mascot logo: A red squirrel with a fox tail holding a wallet in his hands!
Radinus 0.14 - Improved database repair procedure - Improvement in the handling of certain errors - Miscellaneous bug fixes. - Informational messages for new users. - Optimization of the bank account management window
Radinus version 0.13 -Possibility to export the lines of the operation list in QIF and OFX format.
Radinus version 0.12 -Aesthetic and ergonomic reorganization of all windows concerning budget management.
Radinus version 0.11 -In the operations list window: addition of a button to point transactions more quickly. -Added an option to open the windows calculator. -Relook window for bank file integration and csv file management window
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I present to you the free source code of Radinus, a free personal finance management software that I developed in WINDEV. It allows you to import banking files in CSV, OFX, QIF and CMI format. So you won't have to enter your banking transactions into the software. You will be able to manage several bank accounts. It allows you to categorize operations according to various criteria and generate statistics. Manage your budget. There is the possibility of dividing transactions into sub-transactions to be more precise in your accounts. Radinus is a simple software which is intended to evolve in the future, please let me know your comments for future improvements Radinus is MIT licensed software For those interested and who do not have the necessary version of WINDEV, the executable is available for download on the website www.radinus.fr |
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Pour les gens qui sont uniquement intéressé par Radinus en tant qu'application executable un telechargement est possible sur le site https://www.radinus.fr . Je fais remarquer au gens que pour ne pas que leur adresse mail soit propagé dangereusement sur internet il vaux mieux me contacter directement sur le site de radinus à l'adresse : https://www.radinus.fr/contact/ |
| Je vous remercie pour le partage de ce project. Veuillez noter que j'utilise actuellement Windows 25. Pourriez-vous m'envoyer une version compatible avant la migration définitive ? Mon adresse électronique est adjoudj.m.enap@gmail.com |
| MERCI!!!!!! Développement incroyable, très complet |
| Hola, les he enviado el código fuente de Radinus en versión Windev 24. También les envío la aplicación (ejecutable) en Windev 28 para que vean las evoluciones. |
| estoy tramitando la ultima version pero me recomendaron esperar unos meses asi compro la nueva con la actualizacion a la proxima gratis |
| Gracias Fabrice, mi email es nmira.omar@gmail.com, si tienes una version 25 o menor me sirve |
| Avec cette version 0.18 Radinus s'approche d'une version finale. With this version 0.18 Radinus is approaching a final version. Con esta versión 0.18 Radinus se acerca a una versión final. |
| Hola, tengo una versión muy antigua en Windev 24. No vale esta (Windev 28) que realmente tiene mucha mejora. Dime como te lo envio |
| hola Fabrice, tengo la version de windev 25 y me gustaria saber si tienes este desarrollo hecho en una version anterior ya que todavia no puedo actualizar la mia, estoy desarrolando un sistema de contabilidad para una zona de EEUU y quiero poder manejar la lectura de los resumenes bancarios. te agradezco desde ya |
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