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WD Merging the column titles and the table cells - WD Mesclando os títulos das colunas e as células da tabela
Published by Boller
in the category Tools
New features

WD Merging the column titles and the table cells - WD Mesclando os títulos das colunas e as células da tabela

// define a font
tt is Font
tt = FontCreate("Verdana",11,iBold)

// merge the titles of columns
COL_Total..Merge = mergeNextTitle
//COL_Total..Title = tab+"Contacts"+CR+" Total"+TAB+tab+" %"
COL_Total..Title = gAlignment("STR","Contacts")+CR+gAlignment("GB"," Total")+gAlignment("DB","% ")
COL_2006..Merge = mergeNextTitle
//COL_2006..Title = TAB+"Growth"+CR+" 2006"+TAB+TAB+" 2007"
COL_2006..Title = gAlignment("STR","Growth")+CR+gAlignment("GB"," 2006")+gAlignment("DB","2007 ")
// re-align the title of the 2nd column
COL_Total_Visitors..Title = " Total "+CR+" visitors"

// add elements into the table
TableAddLine(MySelf,gImage("CompForum.png")+" Forum of companies 2007")
COL_Company_Exhibitor[1]..Font = tt
COL_Company_Exhibitor[1]..BrushColor = RGB(153,204,255)
//merge the cells of the row
COL_Company_Exhibitor[1]..Merge = mergeNextCell
COL_Total_Visitors[1]..Merge = mergeNextCell
COL_Total[1]..Merge = mergeNextCell
COL_Percent[1]..Merge = mergeNextCell
COL_2006[1]..Merge = mergeNextCell
// add a new row
TableAddLine(MySelf,"New information technologies")
COL_Company_Exhibitor[2]..BrushColor = RGB(255,255,204)
//merge the cells of the row
COL_Company_Exhibitor[2]..Merge = mergeNextCell
COL_Total_Visitors[2]..Merge = mergeNextCell
COL_Total[2]..Merge = mergeNextCell
COL_Percent[2]..Merge = mergeNextCell
COL_2006[2]..Merge = mergeNextCell

TableAddLine(MySelf,gFontBold(True)+"SGL "+gFontBold(False)+"- RUPARI, [PREAILLY Joey]",150,31,21,+1.4,+1.7)
TableAddLine(MySelf,gFontBold(True)+"HITEX "+gFontBold(False)+"- VOGHEL Garry",137,22,16,+0.1,+7.3)
TableAddLine(MySelf,gFontBold(True)+"MOBISHOP "+gFontBold(False)+"- RAYBAULT Peter",145,68,42,+1.3,-0.4)

COL_Company_Exhibitor[6]..BrushColor = RGB(255,255,204)
//merge the cells of the row
COL_Company_Exhibitor[6]..Merge = mergeNextCell
COL_Total_Visitors[6]..Merge = mergeNextCell
COL_Total[6]..Merge = mergeNextCell
COL_Percent[6]..Merge = mergeNextCell
COL_2006[6]..Merge = mergeNextCell

TableAddLine(MySelf,gFontBold(True)+"PUBLICONCEPT "+gFontBold(False)+"- AREVIAN Lianne",77,9,14)

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