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 / Tools
Published on 06/24/2023
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Reading an external program output from WINDEV Application MSDOS Link fonte https://forum.PC SOFT.fr/fr-FR/PC SOFT.us.WINDEV/28192-reading-external-program-output-from-WINDEV-application/read.awp Ag...
 / Lifestyle
Updated on 02/16/2018
Downloaded 177 time(s)
WM Sport Versão 23 MAIS INFORMAÇÕES Adriano José Boller Consultor, Representante e Distribuidor Oficial PC SOFT Email: adrianoboller@gmail.com Telefone: +55 (41) 99949-1800 Skype: adrianoboller Horá...
Integrar componentes externos da Web (assinatura, câmera, ...) em um site WEBDEV Intégrer des composants web externes (signature, caméra, ...) dans une site WEBDEV Integrate external web components...
Published on 10/06/2021
Downloaded 21 time(s)
 https://youtu.be/YIx4ViBoLi0 https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/09/dicas-3398-WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile-vamos.html https://help.WINDEV.com/en-US/?3036055&name=fsize_function -- file size on W...
 / Tools
Published on 05/31/2022
Downloaded 16 time(s)
WM Color picker - Seletor de cores
Exemplo Grafico com WINDEV Mobile feito via Código e Salvando a imagem em Disco // Summary: <specify the procedure action> // Syntax: //ConfigGrafico () // // Parameters: // None // Example: // <Spec...
 / Entertainment
Published on 02/03/2016
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The imobnet.net is an information portal in the real estate sector which aims primarily at promoting and managing property in a single network where the national and international markets are intercon...
Webservice Soap interagindo com Webservice Rest Full API - Conversão de CURL para RestSend API MEMED Prescricao(Receita) Médica Online com lista de medicamentos atualizada e cadastro de protocolos e ...
Published on 06/30/2021
Downloaded 63 time(s)
As soon as you start OpenGL programming, it is essential to be able to use quality textures. Mipmapping, variable opacity, anti-aliasing are all techniques used to produce professional quality 3D rend...
Published on 05/06/2022
Downloaded 22 time(s)
CLASSROOM 3709 - Valverde Class - WINDEV 26 - Taking Doubts