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 / Productivity
Published on 09/07/2023
Downloaded 175 time(s)
WXOpenFramework is a 100% object and open source ORM framework providing the basic tools needed to very quickly develop the business layer of an application, a website or a mobile application on PC SO...
 / Productivity
Published on 09/07/2023
Downloaded 29 time(s)
WXOpenFramework is a 100% object and open source ORM framework providing the basic tools needed to very quickly develop the business layer of an application, a website or a mobile application on PC SO...
 / Productivity
Updated on 09/06/2023
Downloaded 36 time(s)
Exemplo de paginacao de dados em uma Table ou Looper CODIGOS // Summary: <specify the procedure action> // Syntax: //BuscaDados (<Filtro>) // // Parameters: // Filtro: // Example: // <Specify a us...
WINDEV Mobile 28 + Terminal Tablet Elgin M10 Android com Impressora + TEF (Transferencia de Fundos Eletronica com Cartão de Credito ou Debito) by Jose Willem Recursos de Indent e Callback Java Androi...
 / Communication
Published on 08/23/2023
Downloaded 193 time(s)
Exemplo de consumo de API Whatsapp da EasyCodar https://portal.easycodar.com.br Whats: +55 41 99243-9091 Exemplo no WINDEV na Versão 24
 / Productivity
Published on 08/23/2023
Downloaded 56 time(s)
Hello, I attach a basic example of the use of interstitial ads in WM28 for Android.
 / Communication
Published on 08/21/2023
Downloaded 64 time(s)
Projeto construído em WEBDEV 26. Youtube: https://youtu.be/P-gsngpdvk8 Whatsapp: +55 41 99243-9091 API Grátis: https://portal.easycodar.com.br Doc: https://doc.WINDEV.com/en-US/?1000026326
 / Tools
Updated on 07/16/2023
Downloaded 96 time(s)
DESENVOLVEDORES: Davi Correa e Hugo Tessaro FONE +55 47 9994-4764 O Hibernate é a solução que consiste em realizar o mapeamento objeto-relacional de forma completa. A tecnologia Persistence API, que ...
TIP 3897 - Array and Structure - How to Create - WINDEV 28 - array course 28 DICA 3897 - Array e Struture - Como Criar - WINDEV 28 - currso array 28
RAD PATERN WINDEV 28 en Español ES con Código Fuente y Ejemplo Adicional de BrowserFormPlane, Generador CRUD por Defecto Cuando hace clic en Crear NUEVA VENTANA y necesita crear un CRUD y que los bot...