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WD Accessing the Google contacts - Acessando os Contatos do Google // The errors are automatically managed: // If an error occurs, a message is displayed, then resume the input in the window AConta...
Published on 06/06/2022
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SecWin / Groupware version 24 with License and Connection X - Projeto Base Inicial para o desenvolvimento de qualquer outro sistema https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nvdg3G20NA https://www.youtube.co...
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Updated on 05/28/2020
Downloaded 248 time(s)
WM Android e iOS Watch Relogio - Relogio de pulso
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Published on 05/19/2022
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WEBDEV Exemplo WW_Forum_AWP connection forum home management profile registration search subject Reports Queries QRY_Forums QRY_LastMessage QRY_Messages QRY_Most_Active_Forum_User QRY_M...
Published on 07/06/2022
Downloaded 23 time(s)
WD The HSetServer function - Conectando a uma base de dados Hfsql e lendo configurações do servisor e seu status RETURN hDatabasePath %%EXE%%\BDD Location of databases (which means the data files of...
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Published on 06/13/2022
Downloaded 41 time(s)
Utilitario Corrige Integridade de Tabela HFSQL (Classic ou Client Server) EXEMPLO DE COMO CORRIGIR A INTEGRIDADE DE UMA TABELA HFSQL (CLASSIC OU CLIENT SERVER) A tabela com defeito esta numa subpast...
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Published on 12/23/2023
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TEF - Transfência Eletrônica Financeira - Transferência de fundos através de cartão de Crédito/Debito TEF - Electronic Financial Transference - Transfer of funds through Credit / Debit Card
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Published on 04/19/2018
Downloaded 164 time(s)
WD Accessing the Google documents stADocument is a gglDocument // specify the information gMyConnection..ClientID = EDT_ID gMyConnection..ClientSecret = EDT_Key // Establishes the connection GglCon...
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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 28 time(s)
Aula sobre Tabelas, relacionamentos, auditoria, log do sistema
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Published on 04/18/2020
Downloaded 81 time(s)
WEBDEV Exemplo WW_Loan Pages PAGE_Amount PAGE_Investment PAGE_Repayment Reports RPT_Investment RPT_Paymentschedule Queries Classes Procedures GlobalBrowserProcedures GlobalProcedures Draw...
Published on 07/06/2022
Downloaded 33 time(s)