Published on 06/14/2022 Downloaded 53 time(s) |
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Menu Retrátil apresentado pelo Paulo Viana no Sábado 06/07/2024 |
Published on 07/09/2024 Downloaded 50 time(s) |
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WD The Crypt functions - criptografia - funções de senha - base64 - encode base 64 |
Published on 06/11/2022 Downloaded 31 time(s) |
| | Live from WxDevCon 2014 Jeff Graham presents "Biometrics in WINDEV" Jeff shares his journey in getting Biometrics to work in his application - DYI, Third Party, or his... |
Published on 03/08/2018 Downloaded 505 time(s) |
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Published on 06/06/2022 Downloaded 6 time(s) |
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Compartilhando o exemplo de sabado sobre WEBDEV e usoa de Javascript, Bootstrap, html header, body e pivot table - Utilizando as tags Bootstrap - Utilizando icones do fontawesome com as Tags html - A... |
Published on 08/04/2021 Downloaded 69 time(s) |
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RAD Patern Tab Dinamica para o Projeto - WD Gestion Comerciale WINDEV v 26 Ao compile must copy to or directory C:\PC SOFT\WINDEV 26\Personnel\Modeles\RAD\WD\Patterns C:\PC SOFT\WINDEV 26\Programme... |
Published on 02/03/2021 Downloaded 236 time(s) |
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WD the diff fuctions The diffXxx functions of WLanguage are used to perform a diff (a check-out of differences) between two files. This feature can be useful for a transfer of information between two... |
Published on 06/13/2022 Downloaded 29 time(s) |
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HERE MAPS - Projeto que permite adicionar via Apikey do Here Maps em sistemas Wx (Concorrente do Google Maps) |
Published on 10/10/2023 Downloaded 108 time(s) |
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WM Expressão Regular (RegExp) |
Published on 06/06/2022 Downloaded 7 time(s) |
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