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WD Management of dates // Update the different information UPDYearManagement() UPDMonthManagement() UPDWeekManagement() UPDSimpleManagement() //------------------------------------------------ // S...
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Published on 06/06/2022
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Prezados Package Java with JRE from WINDEV Mobile - PARTE 2 Segue pasta Java com JRE atualizado min para funcionar o WINDEV Mobile Favor descompactar no arquivos de programas, Dentro da pasta Java...
Published on 03/12/2024
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WD The Splitter control = Controle tipo Cortina Retratil Para interfaces Responsivas para resoluções diferentes WD The Splitter control = Retractable Curtain Control For Responsive interfaces for dif...
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Published on 06/13/2022
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WD Sending a fax // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------- RUN CODE --------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------...
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Published on 06/07/2022
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Exemplo passagem de parametros entre janelas e relatorios Video https://youtu.be/tLlaslkyqIQ
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Published on 10/07/2021
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WM Popup Calendar Mobile
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Published on 06/03/2022
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WD The AssistedInput functions
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Published on 06/11/2022
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Aula e exemplo sobre WEBDEV usando template gerado no Wysiwyg Builder video https://youtu.be/n_HaTCvJES4
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Published on 10/27/2021
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WD The EyeMagnet - Campo Obrigatório O "eYe magnet" (também chamado de formatação condicional) consiste em modificar o aspecto visual de um controle para atrair a atenção do usuário para este control...
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Published on 06/13/2022
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   // Copy the .cpl file to the "System32" directory IF gbCopyCPl(gsFileCpl, gsSysFileCpl, gsControlIni) = False THEN RETURN END // Write the information to the gsSysFileIni file IF gbWriteIniInfo(g...
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Published on 06/06/2022
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