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WD Overloading WLanguage functions PROCEDURE Manage_Trace_TraceMode(nTraceType) // Store the trace mode Manage_Trace_Mode = nTraceType IF Manage_Trace_Mode = FileTrace OR Manage_Trace_Mode = Stand...
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Published on 06/07/2022
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WDSETUP - Excelente exemplo com muito codigo OOP para estudar - versao 22 Windows automod_moveforward automodif automodif_password BCKGRDWIN DiffFullVersion DiffSimpleVersion EXIT HOLD INITS...
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Published on 05/25/2022
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WD The Service functions - serviço do windows - habilitar, parar startar
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Published on 06/13/2022
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WD The Spreadsheet control = Planilha do Excel com formatação programada
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Published on 06/13/2022
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WD The standard functions on strings
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Published on 06/14/2022
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WINDEV - Pai X Filho (Produtos X NCM X CEST) Exemplo de estudo vale para os 3 produtos as tecnicas sao as mesmas. Funciona no WINDEV, WEBDEV e WINDEV Mobile
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Published on 10/15/2021
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WM image control
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Published on 06/03/2022
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WD The Chrono functions - Relogio - Cronometro - Timer Funciones WD The Chrono - Reloj - Cronómetro - Temporizador WD Les fonctions Chrono - Horloge - Chronomètre - Minuterie
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Published on 06/11/2022
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WD The Crypt functions - criptografia - funções de senha - base64 - encode base 64
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Published on 06/11/2022
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WM Register by QRCODE WIN_Attendance WIN_Details Reports Queries QRY_Registered Classes Procedures GlobalProcedures GenerateTestData
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Published on 05/19/2022
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