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WD Similar ao Filezilla FTP Client Configurations (WD FTP File Transfer) Constants ReturnTasksNO ReturnTasksOK TIMERLOCALTREEVIEW TIMERREMOTETREEVIEW Global variables bEndTask garrCurrentTran...
Published on 05/25/2022
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WD Sending emails with.Attacheds
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Published on 06/07/2022
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RAD PATERN WINDEV 28 em Portugues BR com Códgo fonte e Exemplo adicional de BrowserFormPlane, Gerador de CRUD Padrão Ao clicar em Criar NEW WINDOW e voce precisa que crie um CRUD e que os botoes voce...
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Updated on 09/24/2023
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WD LibPq Install Com os fontes é possivel voce customizar o projeto conforme necessidade e ajustes necessários.
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Published on 12/08/2022
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WD The indirections - Programação oop com indirection - Recortar, Copiar, Colar, Desfazer, Refazer IF {ControlCurrent(),indControl}..Value~="" THEN RETURN ELSE ToClipboard({ControlCurrent(),indCon...
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Published on 06/13/2022
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WD The Lock functions As funções para bloquear aplicativos são usadas para bloquear um aplicativo após um determinado tempo ocioso no computador. Isso é usado para proteger os aplicativos que contêm...
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Published on 06/13/2022
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WD Managing a computer fleet - Gerenciamento de equipamentos de informática em um layout da empresa Windows WIN_Components Controls Procedures Properties WIN_Computer Controls Procedures Asso...
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Published on 05/25/2022
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WD The Organizer control displaying a Google calendar Sobre o controle Organizer exibindo um calendário do Google
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Published on 06/13/2022
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WD Moving elements between two list boxes - WD Movendo elementos entre duas caixas de listagem // Clears the list ListDeleteAll(LIST_Memory) // Fills the list ListAdd(LIST_Memory, "Monday") ListAdd...
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Published on 06/07/2022
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WD Bluetooth // Summary: Procedure that retrieves the list of BT devices, stores their ID and Mac address, and fills the combo box with the name of the devices // Syntax: //ListBTDevice () // // Par...
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Published on 05/25/2022
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