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Impressora Padrão, Definir Impressora Padrão do Windows, Alterar Impressora Padrao, Print Default, PrintDefault, GetPrinterDefault, SetPrinterDefault DOCUMENTACAO.pdf PARA QUEM NAO TEM A 28 PrintCon...
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Updated on 02/25/2023
Downloaded 104 time(s)
WD The indirections - Programação oop com indirection - Recortar, Copiar, Colar, Desfazer, Refazer IF {ControlCurrent(),indControl}..Value~="" THEN RETURN ELSE ToClipboard({ControlCurrent(),indCon...
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Published on 06/13/2022
Downloaded 38 time(s)
INSTALL DRIVER DOUNGLE WX NEW VERSION SE DER O ERRO 8826!!!! ######################################################## https://package.WINDEV.com/pack/addons//hasp/HASPUserSetup.exe #################...
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Updated on 08/24/2021
Downloaded 516 time(s)
DRIVER NATIVO MARIADB + LIBMARIADB.DLL https://package.WINDEV.com/pack/addons/an/mariadb/WX240PACKMARIADB029d.exe O servidor Serverwx tem no seu WAS instalado os drivers do Mariadb, Mysql, Postgre...
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Published on 07/27/2019
Downloaded 394 time(s)
Novo Exemplo Tray Icon (Trayicon/TrayIcone) Rodando na bandeja do Windows e controlando as tarefas do Gerenciador de Tarefas/Task Manager do Windows podendo fechar aplicações via linha de comando Nov...
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Updated on 12/10/2021
Downloaded 205 time(s)
Exemplo WINDEV Mobile para Inventario de Estoque, Código de Barras, QRCode, PDF, Foto do Produto Example WINDEV Mobile for Inventory Inventory, Barcode, QRCode, PDF, Product Photo Ejemplo de WINDEV ...
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Published on 11/13/2020
Downloaded 743 time(s)
Exemplo CRUD MVC OOP Indirection DOCUMENTACAO.PDF / para outras versoes antigas VIDEO EXPLICANDO O PROJETO https://youtu.be/cTO3dG1P79Y // Summary: <specify the procedure action> // Syntax: //e...
Published on 03/18/2023
Downloaded 73 time(s)
Menu Dinamico alimentado por tabelas de dados e gerado usando controle Html interagindo no WINDEV, WEBDEV e WINDEV Mobile Ou seja, se a pessoa dominar html, css e js faz coisas incriveis e consegue i...
 / Productivity
Published on 02/04/2024
Downloaded 145 time(s)
DLLs Runtime para o HFSQL versão 24 Arquivos existentes no arquivo zipado: wd240com64.dll; wd240obj64.dll; wd240grf64.dll; wd240vm64.dll; wd240mdl64.dll Esses arquivos devem ser copiados onde es...
Published on 10/16/2019
Downloaded 139 time(s)
Exemplo de Cryptografia e Descryptografia //Exemplo para Criptografar // se usar a criptografia em um arquivo texto ou ini deve fazer encode 64 bits. sMessage is Buffer = EDT_Mensagem bufKey is Buf...
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Published on 03/15/2024
Downloaded 26 time(s)