WD The SendKey function - Abra um aplicativo e mande para ele comandos como o bloco de notas e calculadora e consiga interagir com eles com esse exemplo
hDestination is int
hDestination = FindHandle("Notepad")
IF hDestination = 0 THEN RESULT False END
sSend is string = EDT_NOTEPAD sSend=Replace(sSend,"+","{+}") sSend=Replace(sSend,"^","{^}") sSend=Replace(sSend,"%","{%}") sSend=Replace(sSend,"(","{(}") sSend=Replace(sSend,")","{)}")
// Send the sequence IF NOT SendKey(sSend,hDestination) THEN Error("Pb while sending the sequence "+EDT_NOTEPAD) RESULT False ELSE RESULT True END
tRecipient is int
tRecipient = FindHandle("NotePad")
// Sends the Alt-F4 sequence to the application to close it IF NOT SendKey("%{F4}",tRecipient) THEN Error("Pb while sending the sequence %{F4}") RESULT False ELSE RESULT True END
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Global init project
// Include the "KeyConst.wl" file to manage the keyboard keys EXTERN "KeyConst.WL" |
IF ClipboardFormat(cfBitmap) = True THEN Info("ok") Clipboard(WIN_PrintScreen.IMG_Printscreen) END
t001_screens.t001_datahora = DateSys()+TimeSys()
t001_screens.t001_resolucaotela = SysXRes() + "X" + SysYRes()
t001_screens.t001_screem = WIN_PrintScreen.IMG_Printscreen
IF HAdd(t001_screens) = True THEN Info("Gravou com sucesso!") END |
| giImage is Image giImage = dCopyScreenImage()
HReset(Captura) Captura.Data = DateSys() Captura.Hora = TimeSys() Captura.Rotina = gsRotina Captura.Observacao = gsObservacao dResize(giImage,giImage..Width/1.2,giImage..Height/1.2) Captura.Tela = giImage HAdd(Captura) |
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