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Published on 02/02/2022
Downloaded 11 time(s)
https://youtu.be/m-FTW7ls-yo Video 3604 - new 27- WINDEV Mobile - OpenPopupAsynchronous
Passo a passo de como automatizar todas as etapas em um arquivo de lotes para assinar digitalmente um arquivo: Assistente de assinatura digital Zetta-Ømnis To automate all steps in a batch file to di...
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Updated on 07/29/2020
Downloaded 84 time(s)
Calendário com inicio e fim de datas para o WINDEV Mobile
Published on 10/15/2021
Downloaded 54 time(s)
https://youtu.be/hk8a8QSSmgI https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/10/video-3450-procedures.html PARAMETERS WINDEV 21 and ABOVE VIDEO 3450
Published on 06/02/2022
Downloaded 38 time(s)
Class 3729 - Rest WINDEV 26 - Generate Json - Valverde class
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Published on 10/11/2022
Downloaded 56 time(s)
Exemplo WINDEV Mobile Indent e Callback Java import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Button; import com.dd.CircularProgressButton; import java.lang.reflect.Fiel...
Capture of the right and left mouse click on the Windows Watch TrayIcon Docker. Help add-on https://help.WINDEV.com/en-US/?3038015&name=Iconize https://help.WINDEV.com/en-US/?3073017&name=SysIcon...
Published on 07/10/2021
Downloaded 9 time(s)
https://youtu.be/UMjUaVgJFQE https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/07/dicas-3367-WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile.html This Video will premiere at 10:00 am on 07/12/2021 Cnpj voucher registration recip...
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Published on 05/16/2022
Downloaded 52 time(s)
Exemplo de Websocket com WEBDEV
WD The threads (pool) - Thread das Galinhas - Semáforo de Pause de Execução - otimo exemlo de uso e estudo de threads para os seus sistemas PROCEDURE MyWindow() GLOBAL gnThreadNum is int // Number...