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 / Tools
Published on 05/25/2022
Downloaded 3 time(s)
WD Age Chart Pyramid - Gráfico comparativo no formato de Pirâmide Windows WIN_AgePyramid Controls Procedures DrawPyramidExampleOneSeries DrawPyramidExampleTwoSeries GenerateDataPyramid1 Prope...
Class 3788 - Valverde class - Teaching Part 1 - Private Course
 / Tools
Updated on 01/17/2020
Downloaded 211 time(s)
Exemplo WEBDEV com Groupware + Pack de Correção da versão 24-77F Exemplo pronto só alterar conforme a necessidade WEBDEV with Groupware Example Ready example only change as needed A fix is availab...
 / Communication
Published on 06/19/2021
Downloaded 83 time(s)
Description The example version for WM25 does not allow the use of adaptive banners as its maximum SDK is 29 and adaptive banners are only available from 30. This version only allows normal banners. ...
Tip 3695 - WINDEV 26 - Father - Daughter Course - Vision - Search
 / Tools
Published on 06/13/2022
Downloaded 14 time(s)
WD The Slider control
 / Graphics
Published on 04/01/2024
Downloaded 23 time(s)
Program generating Mandelbrot, Julia and Buddhabrot type fractals. This program has a scientific and mathematical vocation. It can also be used as a benchmark to compare the speed of different version...
 / Graphics
Published on 08/31/2018
Downloaded 383 time(s)
This is a GDImage / WD17 project, the original version was written in 2007... The initial purpose of this program is to convert any picture or photography to a postcard, that can be printed or sent a...
Este exemplo ilustra a gestão de um parque de informática no WINDEV. Neste exemplo, cobrimos os seguintes tópicos principais: 1 / solicitações e sua integração em um aplicativo 2 / combos com aliment...
Published on 01/25/2022
Downloaded 53 time(s)
TDF TECH 2018 - Exemplos WINDEV parte 2 WD LecteurXML WTT23 WD Parallélisation WTT23 WD ServeurWebSocket WTT23 WD Tableur WTT23"