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With this example it is possible to scan with resolutions higher than 92, being able to save with the maximum resolution of the scanner, scanning in high resolution. Now anyone who has Electronic Docu...
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Updated on 08/27/2018
Downloaded 277 time(s)
Exemplo Editor de XML / Json / Indirection MAIS INFORMAÇÕES Adriano José Boller Consultor, Representante Oficial PC SOFT Email: adrianoboller@gmail.com Telefone: +55 (41) 99949-1800 Skype: adrianobo...
Updated on 01/16/2021
Downloaded 106 time(s)
Licenças do diretor Este exemplo é um gerenciamento completo de licenças e RTT para funcionários de uma empresa. Cada usuário possui um painel com o status de sua licença e RTT. Resumo do exemplo fo...
Published on 01/25/2022
Downloaded 6 time(s)
https://youtu.be/hx8fGrEMt7g WINDEV 27 Video 3589 HExportJSONString
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Published on 06/07/2022
Downloaded 48 time(s)
WD Native access to MongoDB // Connection to the MongoDB server on the example database (creates the database if it does not exist) gclConnection = MongoCreate(StringBuild("mongodb://%1:%2/%3",EDT_Se...
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Published on 08/11/2022
Downloaded 27 time(s)
WEBDEV Exemplo WW_Drawing_HTML5
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Published on 05/11/2023
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Api do Windows para Trocar o nome do Volume do disco // Summary: <specify the procedure action> // Syntax: //[ <Result> = ] AlterarNomeVolumeDisco (<UnidadeDisco> is string, <NomeVolumeDisco> is str...
 / Finance
Published on 08/16/2017
Downloaded 433 time(s)
The alpha360 Data Models are complete database models - tables, constraints and relations - used to develop a wide range of complete Business Applications - from ERPs to B2B systems. Included here is ...
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Published on 11/21/2019
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O utilitário é uma Régua muito versatil para ajudar com desenvolvimento de telas e relatórios. Bem como para quem trabalha muito com medidas. Esque que seja bem utilizado pela comunidade se possivel s...
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Published on 06/04/2020
Downloaded 82 time(s)
RAD Patern Tablegrid & Form with Planes by Boller v. 7.0 to Version 23 It is a rad patern for those who like to make screens with plane, already with Tablegrid and form on the same screen thus reduci...