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Webservice Soap interagindo com Webservice Rest Full API - Conversão de CURL para RestSend API MEMED Prescricao(Receita) Médica Online com lista de medicamentos atualizada e cadastro de protocolos e ...
TEF - Transfência Eletrônica Financeira - Transferência de fundos através de cartão de Crédito/Debito TEF - Electronic Financial Transference - Transfer of funds through Credit / Debit Card
 / Various
Published on 08/06/2022
Downloaded 164 time(s)
Basic connection from WINDEV to graphQL
Número do HD, Dados da Placa Mãe, Dados da Placa de Rede, Dados do Windows, Programas Instalados
 / Tools
Published on 06/23/2021
Downloaded 164 time(s)
Exemplo Push Notification com captura da posicao atual do GPS Exemple de notification push avec capture de la position GPS actuelle Push Notification example with current GPS position capture Ejemp...
Rad Pattern Table With Form and Planes, with Indirection and Templates V 8.0 Classe Dados OOP Procedures Globais Template Window Tenplate controls RAD
Published on 07/31/2019
Downloaded 163 time(s)
Exemplo de Questionário - Quiz Example
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Published on 05/30/2019
Downloaded 162 time(s)
Exemplo de Webservice SOAP
 / Productivity
Published on 09/07/2023
Downloaded 161 time(s)
WXOpenFramework is a 100% object and open source ORM framework providing the basic tools needed to very quickly develop the business layer of an application, a website or a mobile application on PC SO...
 / Tools
Published on 01/25/2022
Downloaded 158 time(s)
TDF TECH 2017 - Exemplos WINDEV: SOA WD Adaptive Design WTT22 WD Champs WTT22 WD NTiers WTT22 WD OAuth JWT WTT22 WD Traitement de texte WTT22 WD WebSocket WTT22 WebSocket+Chat WebSocket+TWAIN...