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Published on 06/13/2022
Downloaded 22 time(s)
WD The Event function // Adds the months FOR i = 1 TO 12 ListAdd(LIST_Month, MonthNumberInAlpha(i)) END // Displays the selected month EDT_SelectedMonth = LIST_Month[LIST_Month] //---------------...
 / Productivity
Published on 10/27/2023
Downloaded 12 time(s)
Traducao para o seu projeto WEBDEV para Portugues by Julio Pedroso
Wx Informatica - Exemplo de WEBDEV, Site desenvolvido com apenas uma PAGE principal e diversas IPAGES chamadas pelo controle de Dashboard Wx Informatica - WEBDEV example, Website developed with only ...
 / Productivity
Published on 09/04/2020
Downloaded 55 time(s)
This live will debut at 11:00 on 11/09/2020 https://youtu.be/afZ5zR0phEY TIPS 3065 -WINDEV TUTORIAL 88 -Lesson 7.8-11-09-2020 11hrs-The FTP Tutoriel WINDEV: Leçon 7.8. Advanced Programmation - Le FT...
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Published on 05/19/2022
Downloaded 19 time(s)
WM QUIZZ - Questionario - Perguntas e Respostas WIN_About WIN_Diploma WIN_Home WIN_New WIN_Quizz WIN_Top_5
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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 8 time(s)
WM Slider Control
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Published on 01/18/2023
Downloaded 53 time(s)
WINDEV Mobile Exemplo de Login para as suas aplicações mobile, pronto para usar: Login com usuario e senha Esqueci minha senha Pergunta secreta e resposta secreta Nova senha e confirma senha Novo...
 / Various
Published on 03/31/2020
Downloaded 242 time(s)
This is a 64-bit project to display a small popup widget CPU meter. The widget itself is written with GDImage to work in composited mode, and use visual color intensity ranging from dark to red to mat...
https://youtu.be/fM8zhA-mwnQ https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/08/dicas-3378-WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile-chamar.html Call procedure Sign Xml Serial A1 or A3 in WINDEV Video 3378
WM Managing Orders - Gerenciador de Pedidos Mobile - Excelente exemplo para estudos Windows Customer WIN_Customer_Form WIN_List_Customers Order WIN_History WIN_List_Orders WIN_NewOrder Produc...