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Updated on 10/01/2021
Downloaded 51 time(s)
TDF TECH 2011 - WEBDEV Exemplos
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Published on 04/07/2014
Downloaded 306 time(s)
FITdoc (www.FITdoc.be) Document management, as it should be! Did you ever try to calculate how many document are used in your company? Do you have any idea of the time (and costs) it takes to get tho...
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Published on 05/21/2011
Downloaded 700 time(s)
Implement Comet (Gmail-like chats) on your WebDev applications easily... Ok, so this is very experimental, but it's working. On the EXE directory you must run the webtalk.exe file BEFORE running you...
Published on 05/04/2011
Downloaded 863 time(s)
Create JSON easily from (almost) any arbitrary variable/object/data source... (only WebDev 16) Sample usage for a direct StringDisplay: MyObject is MyClass RSRenderer.RenderObject(MyObject) Data is...
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Published on 04/02/2011
Downloaded 40 time(s)
EZSMS permet d'envoyer facilement des TEXTOS / SMS uniques ou en lots via les services de SMSMODE.COM ou de SMSBOX.FR depuis une application qui intègre ce composant, en gérant les erreurs possibles. ...
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Published on 01/15/2013
Downloaded 346 time(s)
Utility for users WMSG. It can merge all different extractions language in a single file HyperFile This utility allows you to merge files will especially if you use new tools such as integrated Google...
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Published on 09/27/2020
Downloaded 507 time(s)
WD Send Mail 100% OK Só não funciona com gmail, hotmail, yahoo. Tem que ser um servidor de email contratado para funcionar o envio de massa de emails e que garanta a entrega em caso de uso de s...
Published on 12/09/2021
Downloaded 145 time(s)
erpcurso mobile 26 class 3533
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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 31 time(s)
WD Active Directory DotNet .net PROCEDURE REFProperties() sNode is string // TreeView node in the main window sTempString is string // String that contains the identifier of each TreeView leaf (and ...
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Published on 02/11/2023
Downloaded 131 time(s)
Assinar PDF com certificado digital armazenado em um banco de dados PROCEDURE AssinarPDF() MyExtractedCertificate is Certificate HReset(CERTIFICADO) IF HReadSeek(CERTIFICADO,AGRONOMO_ID,EDT_AGRONO...