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Updated on 05/02/2014
Downloaded 139 time(s)
Text and files encryption using the Anubis I to VII protocol EZANS has been developed in order to bring a solution for security needs, when protecting sensitive data is mandatory either on storage, ...
Published on 01/12/2022
Downloaded 14 time(s)
WINDEV Mobile 27 Motoboy control 12 012022
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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 19 time(s)
   // Copy the .cpl file to the "System32" directory IF gbCopyCPl(gsFileCpl, gsSysFileCpl, gsControlIni) = False THEN RETURN END // Write the information to the gsSysFileIni file IF gbWriteIniInfo(g...
 / Graphics
Published on 04/30/2020
Downloaded 64 time(s)
This is a WD17 project, which can run either in 32-bit mode or in 64-bit mode. (This is the update of a WD9 project written in 2006.) It shows the use of 3 different techniques to replace all the pix...
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Published on 09/04/2021
Downloaded 100 time(s)
WEBDEV Exemplo Bootstrap RDW e Adaptativo by Leomar e Miguel usuario: miguel senha: 123 Possui um menu, cadastro de usuario, produtos e pedidos Recursos nativos Meu muito obrigado ao Leimar e a...
WD Gantt - Grafico de Gantt para Cronogramas de prazos de entrega Windows WIN_Main WIN_POPUP_ChooseTask WIN_Task Reports Queries Classes Procedures COL_GlobalProcedures Types DefineBankHoli...
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Published on 07/09/2022
Downloaded 33 time(s)
WEBDEV Exemplo WW_Static_Crafts Pages contact courses creations creations-bowls creations-mugs creations-plates events index workshop Reports Queries Classes Procedures Help Page templ...
Published on 07/31/2019
Downloaded 163 time(s)
Exemplo de Questionário - Quiz Example
Published on 03/09/2022
Downloaded 20 time(s)
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Published on 06/13/2022
Downloaded 36 time(s)
WD The Looper control.