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Published on 08/04/2021
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https://youtu.be/dA6a6eYCKAA https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/08/dicas-3376-WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile.html Sign Xml With A1 or A3 certificate in WINDEV - 3377
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Published on 06/13/2022
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WD The EXIF functions
WD The fListFile function - Listar arquivos e diretorios de um uma unidade de disco sDirectoryName is string DatatimeInicial is DateTime = DateSys()+TimeSys() sDirectoryName = fSelectDir("","Select...
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Published on 06/13/2022
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WD The FTP functions - Comandos basicos de uso do protocolo FTP
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Published on 07/06/2022
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WEBDEV Exemplo WW_FAQ Pages edit editProduct read search Reports Queries qryFAQFind__All Classes Procedures pRights IsAdmin pTools ConvertStringForURL ReplaceURL ReturnPreviousPage Tr...
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Published on 06/13/2022
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WD The MCI functions - Funções Nativas Windows para Multimídia
WINDEV Mobile example how to use rest send and structures without using global variables with structure in class TEM O PDF DA DOCUMENTACAO DENTRO DO ZIP //EXEMPLO URL is string = "https://api.dignu...
WD Managing Contacts - Gerenciamento de Contatos integrado e sincronizado com o Outlook Windows WIN_About WIN_ConfigureEmail WIN_ContactForm WIN_Contacts WIN_Progbar WIN_SendEmail WinDevDialog...
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Published on 05/25/2022
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WD Organizer Windows External organizers Google WIN_ListCalendar_Google WIN_ParamCalendar_Google Lotus WIN_ListCalendar_Notes WIN_ParamCalendar_Notes Outlook WIN_ListCalendar_Outlook WIN_P...
https://youtu.be/r6eS8lH2HHA https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/04/dica-3682-data-selecionar-calendario.html TIP 3682 - Date - Select Manual and Automatic Calendar - WINDEV 27