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 / Education
Published on 12/05/2023
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Advent of Code 2023 examples/solutions implemented in WINDEV (for educational purposes/ discussions about how to solve problems)
 WD The NumberInWords function - Numbers in full words = Numeros em palavras por extenso, Exemplo Cheque Outro exemplo de extenso de um numero https://repository.WINDEV.com/publish.awp?file_id=28147...
 / Tools
Published on 10/11/2022
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Exemplo WINDEV Mobile Indent e Callback Java import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.Button; import com.dd.CircularProgressButton; import java.lang.reflect.Fiel...
 / Tools
Published on 01/20/2023
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Novo Exemplo Caderno Agricola OOP MVC - WEBDEV 28 VIDEO EXPLICANDO O PROJETO https://youtu.be/5rpXbfDnqtI CODIGOS IN GLOBAL INIT DO PROJETO //---------------------------------------- HModifyStr...
Published on 03/14/2021
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How to Create and Manipulate a Structure - WEBDEV_Estrutura ----- How to Create and Manipulate a Structure Let's create a button Let's create a table by programming with 2 columns Let's create a varia...
 / Tools
Published on 07/07/2022
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WEBDEV Exemplo WW_Newsletter Pages Public pages confirm identification newsletter profile registration reinitialization unregister viewimage PAGE_Configuration PAGE_Dashboard PAGE_Dlg_Ima...
 / Tools
Published on 12/28/2023
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OCR Text witn WINDEV Mobile 29 by Ricardo Cassolatto
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Published on 11/21/2019
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Anote - Tarifador Beta teste - nao baixe ainda
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Published on 06/14/2022
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WD The Table control with break
 / Tools
Published on 05/18/2022
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WM CRM - Excelente Exemplo para Estudos