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Updated on 03/22/2019
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Proposta de novos recursos para a Analysis dos produtos da PC SOFT ?1 - Prefixo 2 - Name = Upper, Lower, Capitalize 3 - Caption / Description = Upper, Lower, Capitalize 4 - Insert Continuos interm...
Projeto similar ao Dreamweaver - Editor de Html feito com WINDEV / Project similar to Dreamweaver - Html Editor made with WINDEV Estou disponibilizando um exemplo de como editar um arquivo html muito...
 / Tools
Published on 02/16/2018
Downloaded 146 time(s)
Example Manager To Task \Windows .Net with WINDEV MAIS INFORMAÇÕES Adriano José Boller Consultor, Representante e Distribuidor Oficial PC SOFT Email: adrianoboller@gmail.com Telefone: +55 (41) 99949...
Published on 12/09/2021
Downloaded 145 time(s)
erpcurso mobile 26 class 3533
Manual do Exemplo modificado do U2F com WINDEV com Dupla checagem de acesso. Modified U2F Example Manual with WINDEV with Double Access Check.
WINDEV Mobile 28 + Terminal Tablet Elgin M10 Android com Impressora + TEF (Transferencia de Fundos Eletronica com Cartão de Credito ou Debito) by Jose Willem Recursos de Indent e Callback Java Androi...
 / Graphics
Published on 09/21/2019
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This 64-bit WD17 project transforms any 2D image into a 3D particle cloud. The particle cloud is composed of 131072 points that can be animated in real time. You can choose one of the images whose na...
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Published on 02/13/2023
Downloaded 143 time(s)
JWT or JSON Web Token is an industry standard defined by RFC7519 that aims to compactly and securely transmit or store JSON objects between different applications. The JWT is digitally signed using a ...
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Updated on 02/09/2021
Downloaded 142 time(s)
EZPass Component to create Passes (iOS Wallet) Passes (ESPass Android / PKPass iOS) are a digital representation of information that could otherwise be printed on small pieces of paper or plastic. Th...
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Published on 03/06/2018
Downloaded 142 time(s)
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