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Master Detail Example 01 - Trabalhando em uma tela com tabelas Pai, filho neto em 3 browser diferentes sem usar rad escrevendo todo o código a mão Esse exemplo funciona nos 3 produtos WINDEV, WEBDEV ...
 / Communication
Updated on 03/24/2023
Downloaded 343 time(s)
Hello. I have been testing the new Whatsapp Cloud API service, and it works perfectly from WINDEV. For now I have only tried to send and receive simple messages. Attached two projects: The first pro...
 / Tools
Updated on 08/27/2018
Downloaded 343 time(s)
Example of working with combo By Wladimir Albuquerque Silva MAIS INFORMAÇÕES Adriano José Boller Consultor, Representante Oficial PC SOFT Email: adrianoboller@gmail.com Telefone: +55 (41) 99949-180...
 / Tools
Published on 03/06/2018
Downloaded 343 time(s)
SecWin for WINDEV - Date Expired Project https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dkq2asX8hDE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJNyT5Nwdzk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMohM6d8Xk0
Published on 02/23/2019
Downloaded 342 time(s)
Good morning. Currently WM does not support the new European GPRD for the use of ads in applications. I have indicated to PC SOFT the existing problem, and I continue waiting for their answer, so in ...
 / Tools
Published on 02/16/2018
Downloaded 340 time(s)
WD Network Monitor MAIS INFORMAÇÕES Adriano José Boller Consultor, Representante e Distribuidor Oficial PC SOFT Email: adrianoboller@gmail.com Telefone: +55 (41) 99949-1800 Skype: adrianoboller Horá...
 / Tools
Updated on 03/17/2020
Downloaded 338 time(s)
Simplifying integration with Restful Webservices https://forum.PC SOFT.fr/fr-FR/PC SOFT.br.WINDEV/2865-classe-webservice-restsend/read.awp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfsQ3PJbF-s https://www.yo...
Wx Datawave - Driver Nativo Wx para Firebird, Oracle, MsSql, Teradata, Postgresql, Myql, Mariadb Site versao atual http://wxsolucoes.com.br/wxdatawave.html O que é o WX DATAWAVE? É um middleware...
 / Tools
Updated on 05/02/2014
Downloaded 336 time(s)
Text and files encryption using the AES – I – II – III protocol EZAES has been developed in order to bring a solution for security needs, when protecting sensitive data is mandatory either on storag...
 / Various
Published on 01/25/2017
Downloaded 335 time(s)
GLpixel is an OpenGL (WD17+) application to demonstrate the use of a few 3D functions build-in into the GDImage graphic library. Use the left mouse button to rotate the scene. Use the right mouse butt...