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Updated on 03/28/2011
Downloaded 72,203 time(s)
This is the master project of the WinDev AR.Drone internal component. Source code and example are included in this archive. Archive contains all needed elements to create your own games or leisure ap...
 / Productivity
Updated on 03/04/2011
Downloaded 3,671 time(s)
That's my program that manages and translation of texts extracts of programs. It is fully compatible, tested with windev, webdev, not windev mobile, if someone can test:). Not yet manage dictionaries...
Updated on 02/22/2011
Downloaded 1,678 time(s)
This resource contains a set of procedures, “pWIFIManagement”, used to list the WiFi networks accessible from an Android device. Access to the list of WiFi networks is done through the Android SDK us...