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Published on 05/24/2022
Downloaded 105 time(s)
CRM versão 22 Windows Login_Win Win_About WIN_AddContributor WIN_Assign_Contributor WIN_ConsultProduct Win_CRM WIN_IP WIN_ManageContributor WIN_ParamEmail Win_Parameters WIN_Popup WIN_Pop...
https://youtu.be/C2TyypbLJ0c https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/05/dica-3725-selfprint-WEBDEV-27-imprime.html TIP 3725 - Self_print - WEBDEV 27 - Print Page - Dictionary
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Published on 05/23/2022
Downloaded 75 time(s)
Push Notification no WINDEV Desktop Permite exibir uma notificação de informação com data e hora agendada com aviso sonoro ou não. Pode alterar o icone escolher qualquer tipo de imagem. Pode recebe...
 / Entertainment
Published on 05/22/2022
Downloaded 40 time(s)
PixelCity is based on the ScreenSaver written in 2006-2009 by Shamus Young. It has been converted into a 64-bit DLL, to use it as a Windows Dreamscene background. Because the WD graphic control cann...
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Published on 05/19/2022
Downloaded 69 time(s)
WM Stocks - Controle de Estoque - Inventário - Checagem
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Published on 05/19/2022
Downloaded 26 time(s)
WM Todo List - Lista simples - Cadastro com Internal Window (iw)
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Published on 05/19/2022
Downloaded 20 time(s)
WM iOS Loan - Investimentos - iPAD
WM iOS System - Utilitário importante com Acelerômetro e recursos nativos da plataforma iOS
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Published on 05/19/2022
Downloaded 24 time(s)
WM Android e iOS Watch Relogio - Relogio de pulso
Published on 05/19/2022
Downloaded 24 time(s)
Class 3721 - WINDEV 26 - Exe and Wdl