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Published on 05/31/2022
Downloaded 13 time(s)
WM Managing the timers
Published on 05/27/2022
Downloaded 19 time(s)
AULA 3726 - order with items - Turma Valverde WINDEV 26
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Published on 05/27/2022
Downloaded 21 time(s)
Relacionamento Pai e Filho com table grids usando Hfilter e SQL
Published on 05/25/2022
Downloaded 48 time(s)
WD Secretaria Eletrônica - WD Answering Machine Windows Fenetre_presentation WIN_Answerphone WIN_CallDetection WIN_DeviceSelection WIN_Message Reports Queries Classes Procedures Global proc...
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Published on 05/25/2022
Downloaded 18 time(s)
WD Burner - Gravação de CD/DVD
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Published on 05/25/2022
Downloaded 63 time(s)
WD File Synchronization - Sincronização de arquivos
Published on 05/25/2022
Downloaded 48 time(s)
WD Similar ao Filezilla FTP Client Configurations (WD FTP File Transfer) Constants ReturnTasksNO ReturnTasksOK TIMERLOCALTREEVIEW TIMERREMOTETREEVIEW Global variables bEndTask garrCurrentTran...
WD Gantt - Grafico de Gantt para Cronogramas de prazos de entrega Windows WIN_Main WIN_POPUP_ChooseTask WIN_Task Reports Queries Classes Procedures COL_GlobalProcedures Types DefineBankHoli...
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Published on 05/25/2022
Downloaded 23 time(s)
WD HTTP Proxy WIN_Configuration WIN_Proxy Reports Queries Classes CHTTPProxy Members Properties Constructor Destructor GetPage LogAdd ProxyCloseSocket ProxyDialog ProxyListen ProxyRead...
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Published on 05/25/2022
Downloaded 30 time(s)
  WD Internet Seache with ActiveXEvent // Manage the progress bar ActiveXEvent(ManageProgress,ActiveX_Search,"ProgressChange") ActiveXEvent(EndProgress,ActiveX_Search,"DownloadComplete") // Default s...