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 / Music & Audio
Published on 12/12/2021
Downloaded 39 time(s)
Attached is a WD17+ 64-bit project, based on the use of the apple iTunes site. It allows you to retrieve from the internet the information corresponding to a music specifying the title and name of th...
Set procedures WINDEV 27 - start of studies
Published on 12/12/2021
Downloaded 77 time(s)
WINDEV diagram WINDEV 27
Novo Exemplo Tray Icon (Trayicon/TrayIcone) Rodando na bandeja do Windows e controlando as tarefas do Gerenciador de Tarefas/Task Manager do Windows podendo fechar aplicações via linha de comando Nov...
Capture of the right and left mouse click on the Windows Watch TrayIcon Docker. Help add-on https://help.WINDEV.com/en-US/?3038015&name=Iconize https://help.WINDEV.com/en-US/?3073017&name=SysIcon...
Published on 12/09/2021
Downloaded 151 time(s)
erpcurso mobile 26 class 3533
Published on 12/08/2021
Downloaded 13 time(s)
course 3531 WINDEV Mobile 26
IA Detect Objets Example - Exemplo de interpretação e detecção de objetos em imagem usando inteligencia artificial e Redes Neural
Exemplo CRUD WINDEV Mobile - com planos, oop, passagem de parametros, menu e login do sistema https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLlaslkyqIQ tem essa aula para explicar sobre o assunto vou montar um CRU...
Published on 12/01/2021
Downloaded 47 time(s)
 erp api WINDEV 26 Class 3522