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Published on 07/28/2020
Downloaded 124 time(s)
Webservice Create Database in HFSQL Client Server Remoto - API CreateDB Soap Com esse exemplo é possivel importar para as suas aplicações e usar um servidor remoto que tenha o HFSQL Control Center in...
 / Productivity
Updated on 07/20/2020
Downloaded 675 time(s)
Hello, Here's a small project that allow to upload pictures and resize them in Javascript. It will avoid you to upload big pictures on the server. Explanations are in the code comments. It has bee...
Exemplo para Consultório Odontológico feito com WINDEV Example for Dental Office made with WINDEV Exemple pour cabinet dentaire réalisé avec WINDEV Ejemplo para consultorio dental hecho con WINDEV ...
New WAS - WEBDEV Aplication Server - Suggestion et nouvelle proposition d'interface, le projet peut être utilisé pour vos produits
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Published on 07/04/2020
Downloaded 106 time(s)
Exemplo de uso de Javascript no WEBDEV Desenvolvido pelo Fabrício Almeida
Integrar componentes externos da Web (assinatura, câmera, ...) em um site WEBDEV Intégrer des composants web externes (signature, caméra, ...) dans une site WEBDEV Integrate external web components...
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Published on 07/02/2020
Downloaded 121 time(s)
Exemplo WEBDEV com Webcam e Assinatura
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Published on 06/20/2020
Downloaded 111 time(s)
Exemplo Aula PostgreSQL e uso do HexecuteQuery e HexecuteSqlQuery Aula 19 - Caminho das Pedras - Prof Adriano
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Published on 06/18/2020
Downloaded 298 time(s)
Exemplo de site responsivo feito com WEBDEV com códigos fontes Video de demonstração do exemplo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77Xsuz9AY_E Versão minima do WEBDEV é a 89F Exemplo base modificado ...
Updated on 06/15/2020
Downloaded 261 time(s)
This project (in beta version) is intended to embed a latest generation browser directly into a WINDEV application. It is based on the use of a modified version of the "Microsoft Edge WebView2" proje...