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WD The Event function
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License terms
GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR USING THE DEPOSIT SERVICE Please read the General Use Conditions (GUC) of the Service before registering to the DEPOSIT SERVICE. By checking "I accept the general use conditions of the DEPOSIT SERVICE" and by validating the page, you have agreed with the GUC and you have been informed that YOU must comply with the terms of GUC during the entire duration of use and/or presence of one or more RESOURCES. The GUC can be modified at any time by PC SOFT. In this case, the modified GUC come into effect from the online date and they are considered as being accepted when you connect to the Service. We advise YOU to read the GUC on a regular basis. ARTICLE 1. - DEFINITIONS Each term written in uppercase characters has the meaning that is given to it in its definition that is found in this article. WEB USER means the user of the deposit service, who downloads one or more RESOURCE(S) DEPOSITOR means the user of the deposit service who uploads one or more RESOURCE(S) YOU means the WEB USER and/or the DEPOSITOR DEPOSIT SERVICE means any part of the Internet site that is linked to the feature for uploading and/or downloading RESOURCE(S). PC SOFT means the company named PC SOFT Informatique, whose head office is located in Montpellier, France. RESOURCE means file or set of files found on the DEPOSIT SERVICE. ARTICLE 2. - REGISTRATION - IDENTIFICATION The use of the DEPOSIT SERVICE requires the creation of an account as well as the supply of information used to identify YOURSELF. The information is specified in the registration form to the DEPOSIT SERVICE. To register to the DEPOSIT SERVICE, YOU must create an identifier and a password that will be requested whenever you use the DEPOSIT SERVICE. Your identifier and your password are strictly personal and confidential. YOU have responsibility to store them and not to disclose them to anyone for any reason. You must immediately inform PC SOFT of any use by an unauthorized person. This obligation for identification commits YOURSELF to: 1 - provide true and exact information, 2 - update it. You are responsible for the consequences resulting from the communication of your identifier and password to someone else. ARTICLE 3. - DESCRIPTION OF THE DEPOSIT SERVICE The DEPOSIT SERVICE allows you, via an Internet connection: - to propose RESOURCES, by downloading them from the available servers. - to upload RESOURCES made available by other DEPOSITORS. PC SOFT decides of the RESOURCES that will be found in the DEPOSIT SERVICE. PC SOFT can delete, without justification, any RESOURCE of its choice, and PC SOFT is not compelled to give explanations. PC SOFT can delete user accounts, or refuse to create the account for some users without having to justify these decisions. ARTICLE 4. - USING THE DEPOSIT SERVICE The DEPOSITOR declares that he has the rights and authorizations required to publish RESOURCES. YOUS agree to use the DEPOSIT SERVICE in the strict respect of the legislation. The DEPOSITOR agrees not to, when using the DEPOSIT SERVICE, indulge in acts of any nature whatsoever (especially viewing, downloading, sending, diffusing, editing, emitted, onlining, publishing, and so on) that would not comply with the French law and that would interfere with the public order or with the rights of someone else. The DEPOSITOR confirms that any RESOURCE made available has been checked by a recent antivirus software beforehand. ARTICLE 5. - GUARANTEE The DEPOSITOR guarantees that he owns the entire rights on the RESOURCES made available by himself. the DEPOSITOR proposes the RESOURCES at no cost. PC SOFT is not responsible for the RESOURCES found in the DEPOSIT SERVICE. PC SOFT gives no express or implicit guarantee regarding the use of the DEPOSIT SERVICE. ARTICLE 6. - RESPONSIBILITY YOU are responsible for the use of your identifier and password. Any use of the Service and share of data performed by using your identifier and your password will be assumed to have been performed by YOURSELF. PC SOFT informs you that it obliged to collaborate with any legal authority to supply any requested information, whether it is related to YOURSELF, to the IP addresses used or to any other kind of information. PC SOFT shall not be responsible for the direct or indirect damages and especially commercial, moral or financier damage including loss of benefits or loss of public image caused by the use of the DEPOSIT SERVICE. ARTICLE 7. - FINANCIAL CONDITIONS The CONDITIONS SERVICE is proposed without charge from PC SOFT, neither to the WEB USER, nor to the DEPOSITOR. ARTICLE 8. - CANCELATION PC SOFT is free to delete the DEPOSIT SERVICE at any time, without notification. Should one of the essential obligations issued from the GUC of the DEPOSIT DEPOT not be complied with, PC SOFT has the rights, without prior notification and with immediate effect, to disable the DEPOSIT SERVICE. ARTICLE 9. - APPLICABLE LAW This contract is governed by the French law.
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