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 / Productivity
Published on 11/01/2023
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Meu dinaminha usanfo controle gavleta
Below is the source code for the WINDEV example used in the webinar "Map, Filter, Reduce: A functional approach to array operations". You can watch the webinar here: https://youtu.be/ONtlVXeHwPQ
WINDEV Mobile - Coletar Assinatura do Cliente - Aprovar com Assinatura escrevendo em tela Touch / Collect Customer Signature - Approve with Signature by writing on Touch Screen / Assinar Documento / S...
Published on 03/09/2022
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hint 3659 - api rest - read json and put table
Updated on 06/12/2021
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https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/06/dicas-3354-WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile.html https://youtu.be/UgQ6ygwS5No This Video will premiere at 10:00 am on 06/18/2021 - Windows tray - Bandeja Windo...
 / Music & Audio
Published on 06/08/2021
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Example on how to use CapAudio64.dll with any WD17-WD26 version. While it could be used to record from the microphone, the best quality is achieved when using a multiplex audio card and recording fro...
 / Tools
Published on 06/04/2020
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RAD Patern Tablegrid & Form with Planes by Boller v. 7.0 to Version 23 It is a rad patern for those who like to make screens with plane, already with Tablegrid and form on the same screen thus reduci...
 / Tools
Published on 04/18/2020
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Aula sobre Tabelas, relacionamentos, auditoria, log do sistema
 / Tools
Published on 10/18/2020
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WINDEV + Teradata Apresentação PowerPoint e o exemplo WINDEV acessando o Teradata SQL Video no Youtube https://youtu.be/O3Ss_lBC_ow
 / Tools
Published on 03/23/2022
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Tool CreateDB and User in Hfsql Client / Server É necessário alterar a senha da constante para a senha do Hfsql control center do usuario ADMIN vídeo explicativo: https://youtu.be/j3E8JnXk1b4