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 / Education
Published on 03/09/2023
Downloaded 27 time(s)
Novo projeto mais detalhado. Criar interface com a técnica neoformismo. Os efeitos apresentados podem ser melhoras. A partir de um arquivo CSS que utiliza neoformismo você poderá estudá-lo e aplicar n...
Published on 11/18/2016
Downloaded 413 time(s)
This is an update of a WD16 project originaly written in 32-bit. This one is fully 64-bit and relies on the GDImage64 advanced 3D OpenGL features, to work directly with the GPU. This project require...
Updated on 03/22/2022
Downloaded 57 time(s)
At the request of Fred2355, here is a project that allows you to adjust the overall audio volume of a PC. The project is WD17+ compatible, IT MUST BE COMPILED IN 64-BIT MODE It uses GVolume.dll, who...
Published on 12/04/2016
Downloaded 260 time(s)
Almost 10 years ago the "DreamScene" concept was first made available in VISTA Pro to allows videos and .gif and other optimized animations to be used as desktop wallpapers. This project written firs...
Arquivo no formato PDF para versões anteriores a 26 do WEBDEV e WINDEV. . Com apenas 3 Server Procedures você poderá movimentar qualquer tabela de seu banco de dados, dispensando assim que construa um...
 / Graphics
Updated on 05/18/2020
Downloaded 344 time(s)
9 different examples that will take your breath away! (use of animated .png files with GDImage).
 / Entertainment
Published on 09/18/2019
Downloaded 326 time(s)
The "head-up vision" consists in superimposing information necessary for the piloting, the navigation or the realization of a mission, in permanent connection with the external environment. The pilot ...
Published on 09/20/2021
Downloaded 73 time(s)
FFcapture version 2.6 can convert any video to HTML5 compatible ".webM" format. This format is optimized to allow streaming. The very important compression factor preserves the quality of the images ...
 / Tools
Published on 06/21/2017
Downloaded 112 time(s)
We all know that WINDEV is not very good at handling memory when processing huge data sets. It crashes with the typical error: '' item name with memory intensive processes (tens of GB of data). To g...
 / Various
Published on 08/06/2022
Downloaded 163 time(s)
Basic connection from WINDEV to graphQL