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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 44 time(s)
WD Direct print // Printing till ticket I is int rGrandTotal is real //Open the port PortOpening() // Print the header of the ticket bPrintLine(sStartBold+"GROCERY CORNER"+sEndBold) bPrintLine("--...
https://youtu.be/joXSyiRj_pM Versao WINDEV 22 - exemplo variaveis curso WINDEV 1 - Video 3341 https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/09/video-3411-curso-WINDEV-1-10-privado.html exemple vari...
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Published on 05/25/2022
Downloaded 37 time(s)
WD Loan Windows FinancialWin Constants Controls Procedures EndMaxLoanAmount EndPaymentSchedule EndTotalInterest Properties WinExtractCode Controls Procedures Properties Variables Report...
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Published on 07/09/2022
Downloaded 34 time(s)
WEBDEV Exemplo WW_WebApp Pages PAGE_EXAMPLE Reports Queries QRY_ListProducts Classes Procedures SET_ANIMPOPUP Global variables HeaderAnimateTimer JSTableTDFirst JSZoneGetContainer PopupAd...
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Published on 08/30/2019
Downloaded 280 time(s)
Notification Display Exibe uma mensagem perto do relógio do windows Por exemplo, um navegador no Windows pode exibir uma notificação para e-mails recebidos no canto inferior direito da área de traba...
Updated on 06/12/2021
Downloaded 82 time(s)
https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/06/dicas-3354-WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile.html https://youtu.be/UgQ6ygwS5No This Video will premiere at 10:00 am on 06/18/2021 - Windows tray - Bandeja Windo...
Published on 03/16/2022
Downloaded 7 time(s)
https://youtu.be/PqFDJVxnTgs https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/03/dica-3665-stringformat-formata-string.html TIP 3665 - StringFormat - WINDEV 27
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Published on 06/13/2022
Downloaded 35 time(s)
WD The memory Table control
Maior numero primo para calculos criptograficos seguros - Largest prime number for secure cryptographic calculations - Le plus grand nombre premier pour des calculs cryptographiques sécurisés https:/...
No 4º episódio do Wandrey Descomplica sobre a DLL Unimake.DFe, aprendemos: - Como instalar a DLL Unimake.DFe e vincular ao projeto no WINDEV - Como gerar e enviar o XML da NFCe para SEFAZ no modo sín...