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 / Various
Published on 02/20/2023
Downloaded 476 time(s)
Exemplo de Conexão com o ChatGPT no WINDEV 25 Desenvolvedor: Marcilon Mendonça Whatsapp: +55 41 99243-9091
WD The indirections - Programação oop com indirection - Recortar, Copiar, Colar, Desfazer, Refazer IF {ControlCurrent(),indControl}..Value~="" THEN RETURN ELSE ToClipboard({ControlCurrent(),indCon...
 / Graphics
Updated on 01/11/2022
Downloaded 29 time(s)
The coloring functions of WINDEV are based on the encapsulation of the ExtFoodFill (dFill) and GetPixel (dPixelColor) APIs that use 24-bit RGB colors that do not support the alpha channel, so it is no...
 / Tools
Published on 02/22/2023
Downloaded 56 time(s)
Exemplo, utilizando sweetalert no WEBDEV Dev: Nathan
 / Tools
Updated on 08/24/2021
Downloaded 507 time(s)
INSTALL DRIVER DOUNGLE WX NEW VERSION SE DER O ERRO 8826!!!! ######################################################## https://package.WINDEV.com/pack/addons//hasp/HASPUserSetup.exe #################...
 / Various
Updated on 05/03/2021
Downloaded 275 time(s)
1 year calendar over 12 months + the weeks of the month. 4 versions of a year calendar and all the weeks of the year. Demo program with call and return of popups. The 3rd year / week calendar uses a t...
 / Tools
Published on 02/25/2023
Downloaded 60 time(s)
Projeto desenvolvimento nativamente em WEBDEV 27 com componentes Projeto sem apoio, cada avalição é bem-vinda! Text Edt Label Button Desenvolvedor: Marcilon Mendonça mmendonca1585@gmail.com Whats: ...
 / Tools
Updated on 05/02/2014
Downloaded 336 time(s)
Text and files encryption using the AES – I – II – III protocol EZAES has been developed in order to bring a solution for security needs, when protecting sensitive data is mandatory either on storag...
 / Tools
Published on 07/27/2019
Downloaded 393 time(s)
DRIVER NATIVO MARIADB + LIBMARIADB.DLL https://package.WINDEV.com/pack/addons/an/mariadb/WX240PACKMARIADB029d.exe O servidor Serverwx tem no seu WAS instalado os drivers do Mariadb, Mysql, Postgre...
Novo Exemplo Tray Icon (Trayicon/TrayIcone) Rodando na bandeja do Windows e controlando as tarefas do Gerenciador de Tarefas/Task Manager do Windows podendo fechar aplicações via linha de comando Nov...