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Updated on 10/31/2020
Downloaded 117 time(s)
Rastreamento GPS - WEBDEV PageParameter Exemplo FICHA DE INSCRICAO DO CURSO https://forms.gle/VQ7UxQdSzFHGKDb6A VIDEOS SOBRE O ASSUNTO https://youtu.be/V2BGXhVNTFQ https://www.youtube.com/wa...
 / Productivity
Published on 12/25/2021
Downloaded 59 time(s)
Consumo de API Para buscar informações da tabela FIPE Canal: https://www.youtube.com/c/EasyCodar Email: m.marcilon@yahoo.com gmail: mmendonca1585@gmail.com Whats: +55 (41) 99243-9091
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Published on 06/06/2022
Downloaded 41 time(s)
WD BalloonTip ou Popup Clock Windows CODE: nMsgType is int // Depending on the message type, configure the constant for the message type of the BalloonTip SWITCH COMBO_MSGTYPE CASE 1 nMsgType = ...
DROPBOX Exemplos WINDEV, WEBDEV e WINDEV Mobile para backup de pastas locais para a nuvem DROPBOX Exemples WINDEV, WEBDEV et WINDEV Mobile pour la sauvegarde de pâtes locales pour un nuvem DROPBOX E...
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Published on 07/18/2019
Downloaded 133 time(s)
ORDER BY LIST, ARRAY, FILE AND MEM Data List Sorting by Modifying Element Order Very simple example of data list sorting If you do something different and want to publish in the repository or if yo...
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Published on 03/09/2022
Downloaded 68 time(s)
Assinar PDF com WINDEV Mobile by Ricardo Cassolato
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Published on 05/24/2022
Downloaded 23 time(s)
  WIN_Animations_PPC WIN_AptDB_PPC WIN_CalendarPopup WIN_CalendarPopup_PPC WIN_CameraControl WIN_ChartControl WIN_ChartFunctions WIN_ChartFunctions_PPC WIN_ChronoFunctions WIN_ChronoFunctions...
WEBDEV Exemplo WW_Precilia_Sport com Módulo Paybox / Paypal = Loja Virtual completa com Mostruario e Google Maps ok Pages contact gsc index precila_create_address precilia_basket precilia_choos...
https://youtu.be/IZyz_y_GocU https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/02/dica-3648-arraydistinct-excluir.html TIP 3648 - ArrayDistinct - Delete duplicates - WINDEV WEBDEV mobile 27
WD The Image control map area - Area limite de um objeto - Area map click event