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Published on 09/20/2021
Downloaded 73 time(s)
FFcapture version 2.6 can convert any video to HTML5 compatible ".webM" format. This format is optimized to allow streaming. The very important compression factor preserves the quality of the images ...
Published on 05/23/2011
Downloaded 581 time(s)
Just an example, (always in for improvements...) I don't think the icons are in the template, so these have to be replaced
 / Tools
Published on 05/21/2011
Downloaded 700 time(s)
Implement Comet (Gmail-like chats) on your WebDev applications easily... Ok, so this is very experimental, but it's working. On the EXE directory you must run the webtalk.exe file BEFORE running you...
Valida CPF, CNPJ e Telefone com mascara e validação com Expressão Regular
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Updated on 11/23/2013
Downloaded 700 time(s)
Are you a group a people going together in vacation or for your job ? This software is a virtual wallet which allows you to know instantaneously what amount of money every member is due to the others ...
Published on 01/14/2023
Downloaded 90 time(s)
Exemplo permite gerar um QRCODE colocando as informações criptografadas e lendo o arquivo bmp gerado e interpretar o conteudo usando os comandos nativos da função WLanguage. //PARA GERAR QRCODE IF CB...
 / Tools
Published on 03/13/2021
Downloaded 184 time(s)
Exemplo WINDEV Mobile com GPS e Intinerário https://forum.PC SOFT.fr/fr-FR/PC SOFT.br.WINDEV/3701-trabalhando-com-gps/read.awp
 / Productivity
Updated on 07/20/2020
Downloaded 666 time(s)
Hello, Here's a small project that allow to upload pictures and resize them in Javascript. It will avoid you to upload big pictures on the server. Explanations are in the code comments. It has bee...
 / Tools
Published on 02/13/2023
Downloaded 488 time(s)
This example proposes a UI kit containing a set of fields and graphic resources to be used in your interfaces and proposes an internal component that allows you to display Lottie animations in your An...
Porta Serial V3 Posté le 21 décembre 2015 - 12:28 Wx - Código Exemplo de Leitura do Peso da Balança Filizola e Toledo para Supermercados, Padarias e Restaurantes // Balança de peso fixo: é a balança ...