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Published on 06/07/2022
Downloaded 63 time(s)
   // Select the video file sFile is string sFile = fSelect(EDT_FILE,"Select a video file...",... "Video files (*.avi)"+TAB+"*.avi"+CR+... "MPG video files (*.mpg)"+TAB+"*.mpg"+CR+... "Mp4 video files...
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Published on 06/07/2022
Downloaded 23 time(s)
WD Playing a Flash animation swf // Select the video file sFile is string sFile = fSelect(EDT_FILE, "Select a Flash file...",... "Flash files (*.swf)"+TAB+"*.swf"+CR+... "All files (*.*)"+TAB+"*.*",....
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Published on 06/07/2022
Downloaded 38 time(s)
WD Popup calendar PROCEDURE WIN_PopCalendar(dSelectionDate = DateSys()) IF dSelectionDate = "" THEN dSelectionDate = DateSys g_Date is Date = dSelectionDate d_SelectedDate is Date = g_Date sOContr...
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Published on 06/07/2022
Downloaded 48 time(s)
WD Printing by programming - Impressão Programada Info("A set of previews will be displayed","Those allow display of the various printing methods using programming") Str1 is string = "WINDEV is a gr...
Published on 06/07/2022
Downloaded 33 time(s)
WD Progress window
WD Reading and writing in XML format - WD Lendo e escrevendo em formato XML // XML Document XMLDoc is a xmlDocument sTag is string sSubChild is string sRootChild is string // Declare the root ...
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Published on 06/07/2022
Downloaded 32 time(s)
WD Registry Windows - Regedit - Manipulando o Registro do Windows // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------- VARIABLES USED ---------------------- //...
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Published on 06/07/2022
Downloaded 20 time(s)
WD Sending a fax // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------- RUN CODE --------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------...
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Published on 06/07/2022
Downloaded 51 time(s)
WD Sending an email in HTML format - WD Enviando um e-mail em formato HTML
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Published on 06/07/2022
Downloaded 41 time(s)
WD Sending emails with.Attacheds