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Exemplo de envio de SMS usando placa modem GSM com maquina de estado chip pre pago (Comandos: sOpen, sParameter, sWrite, sRead, sClose) Example of sending SMS using GSM modem card with pre-paid chip ...
Exemplo de como ler um controlador CLP Industrial Panassonic para Painel de Fabrica usando WINDEV - Acesso a programação Leader
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Published on 07/09/2022
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WEBDEV Exemplo WW_PreciliaTShirts Loja Virtual com meio de pagamento Pages about contact faq general_sale_conditions product store where_to_find_us Reports Queries QRY_ListStoreProducts ...
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Published on 07/09/2022
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WEBDEV Exemplo WW_Rewali Pages booking booking_validation coordinates form_product general_sales_conditions index orders registration reinit_password sales validated_order Reports Querie...
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Published on 07/09/2022
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WEBDEV Exemplo WW_Schedule Pages PAGE_Schedule Reports Queries QRY_EmployeeTodayTask Classes Procedures SET_HFSQLTEST OpeningTest Help Page templates PAGETPL_Center
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Published on 07/09/2022
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WEBDEV Exemplo WW_SchedulingActivities_Club Pages Management PAGE_Admin_Administrator PAGE_Admin_Connection PAGE_Admin_Form PAGE_Admin_Schedule Activities Contact Esthetics Fitness Home Pr...
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Published on 07/09/2022
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WEBDEV Exemplo WW_Static_Company Pages contact custom_pack elearning_pack legal_mentions pack _full products services subscript the_company
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Published on 07/09/2022
Downloaded 38 time(s)
WEBDEV Exemplo WW_Static_Crafts Pages contact courses creations creations-bowls creations-mugs creations-plates events index workshop Reports Queries Classes Procedures Help Page templ...
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Published on 07/09/2022
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 WEBDEV Exemplo WW_Static_Restaurant com google maps Pages access and contact desserts dishes menus starters subscript the chief
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Published on 07/09/2022
Downloaded 65 time(s)
WEBDEV Exemplo WW_TamesShop Pages PAGE_Contact PAGE_FAQ PAGE_Home PAGE_ListProducts PAGE_Product